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Everything posted by Dave_YVR

  1. Because while it does work for it, it wasn't really meant for online traffic. Those that do want it for model matching also aren't the majority.
  2. Best off to try the actual AIG forum.
  3. The path would be different for each users system and where they have installed AIM as well as their sim. Also keep in mind that sceneries often contain their own traffic file which depending on their age might also be in fs9 format. Luis from a couple posts above may have a point regarding OCI and AIM with FSX. I left FSX long before AIM came along and have only read the inclusion of FSX in some of the update documentation.
  4. WoAI uses fs9 traffic bgl's that will cause any and all FSX/p3d formatted traffic files not to work. Remove those archaic WoAI plans and also ensure that you have no other fs9 traffic files in your system (they are also a day off in the schedules) . You could also convert the older plans using AIFP, but why when you can just use updated ones from AI Manager. AI manager does work in FSX, but you should really check their forum, always go to the source.
  5. Ok, so the new version has "some" multileg plans, but they are still garbage just duplicating the first return leg over and over. As an example, and I had selected accuracy vs quantity in the plan selection. We have a Lufthansa Cargo MD11 that does Seoul to Kansai return 7 TIMES a day, 7 days a week without ever going back to Europe. Or a Loganair E145, Glasgow to Stornoway 16x a day? The cargo seems to have gotten somewhat less ridiculous with less but still many Chinese national carriers that don't fly outside of China let alone operating between US Military bases in the US and still next to no UPS, FDX, DHL, Amazon. Looking at LAX on any weekday at 9am and also at noon with traffic at 100% and there's 40 aircraft of which 2 are international, the TBT should be more than packed. Southwest B738's are all lacking winglets, Alaska and United 737's are all still non winglet 737-900's. It's rather pathetic. Sure, there are some users that have had issues with the other options, but that IS on them and not the product but even so the other options are all still many miles ahead of TG and the best one is still vastly superior to both payware options and it's free!
  6. It works alright but it's really not very good. It also really depends on what you want from your AI. If you just want to populate the skies with traffic that mostly isn't based off of real scheds with limited model variety and liveries then maybe it's for you. The plans are still horrible (every aircraft does the exact same 1 return flight a day 7 days a week) and lacking so many carriers. Go to any major NA airport and it's almost completely void of international traffic. There's really too much wrong still to try and explain. I install every new version that gets released just to see for myself but it has yet to do anything to impress me. Spoiled from years of good freeware I guess.
  7. It just shows that it probably doesn't have anything to do with VRAM.
  8. Agreed 100%, why people leave the OS on an SSD and put their sim on the nvme drive makes me shake my head.
  9. In real life it differs some from country to country, but generally the lights are turned on during the day when the visibility is less than 3sm or the ceiling is less than 1000'ft.
  10. It's not a layering issue but an elevation issue. Adjusting the airport elevation by a few inches with ADE can fix it.
  11. Progress is progress, it's still awesome. You guys are doing incredible work.
  12. I for one can't wait to get more airline traffic in AIGFP. Getting the traffic on to actual routes and away from direct airport to airport is a fantastic and massive improvement.
  13. OTHH works just fine in v5. It's been ages since I did it but it was something simple like just adjusting the airport elevation and adding in the usual exclusions for v5 conversions to eliminate the default buildings and taxi signs.
  14. You need to sign in to read it but it's worth it. Aig is setting up their AI manager to work for online model matching. https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=35321.msg350191#new
  15. How long have you been waiting for support? They are usually very good support wise, they don't have 18 million users on at any given time for nothing.
  16. Check your repaint assignments in UTL v2. There's a second DLH B748 assigned that isn't included in the included liveries. Remove that from the assignments and you should be good.
  17. No, the STAR is left in unless it is incorrect which would then get replaced by the correct one and issued in the initial clearance or changed while in-flight being a dynamic environment.
  18. Now that's a tough one that normally gets all sorts of opinions on. I personally don't use any as none of them are close to being good enough. There's also too many variances between countries/regions. One program might be ok for use in the US, but nowhere else and vise versa for Europe, and everywhere else around the world.
  19. It's actually very common to not even file a SID, and even if you do it gets striped out in processing prior to reaching ATC (especially at the busier airports). ATC will then assign what is appropriate when you get for your clearance/PDC.
  20. Ran live update earlier today as well, and as usual it went just fine.
  21. You shouldn't need to use an add-on organizer. Central is smarter than it gets credit for and users going in to "fix" issues using an add-on organizer that aren't really issues often causes worse problems. Don't worry about what the scenery library looks like, it gets messed up by the whole xml addon method, just know that Orbx Central is doing is job at long as you have your insertion points properly set. If you still have terrain issues at BFI after setting the insertion points, then I'm thinking you have some other conflicting scenery or airport file. Any chance that you have Traffic Global installed?
  22. And you have just Orbx NA LC? I swapped out my custom ade's for both SEA and BFI and tried the ones that came with DD Seattle X and still don't have any issues with terrain/elevation.
  23. Not your scenery library. Open ORBX Central and then settings. Select Insertion point from the bottom left. Orbx Airports and Regions needs to be inserted below your bottom most addon scenery (what you have added/installed, not the default scenery) and the Orbx Global openLC goes below your Airports and regions (which should be set by default). This is a very important step that for some reason, MANY users either set it incorrectly or don't set it at all. Over the past 10-12 years (yup, it's been around that long 😉 ) there have been hundreds of posts about scenery issues, many blaming vector or faulty layering when it was the users themselves that hadn't properly set their insertion points.
  24. BFI should be fine as well. What is your ORBX library insertion point set to?
  25. It could be a number of things on your end. What version of the sim is it? What other scenery addons do you have active in the area? ORBX FTX PNW will have it's own airport files for all of those airports that will conflict unless you disable them and also the ORBX library insertion points needs to be properly set. Not doing any of these can cause issues seen above. From the images posted by the OP, there's all sorts of conflicting scenery objects. I'm running V5 but it was also fine on previous p3d versions as well as ORBX everything and have no elevation issues at DD Sea-Tac, or BFI.
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