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Everything posted by Pugilist2

  1. Super set of shots Ryan! Bert, It's DCS World using the Nevada map and F-16.
  2. Very nice set! The last shot of the snow covered mountains looks real.
  3. Indeed, good ole FS9 looks great!
  4. I am also going to hold off for now. Great news that it is finally out!
  5. I enjoy flying both commercial and general aviation aircraft. Of the three you listed, am looking forward to the Inibuilds A300. (Really want their A380 the most)! I visit all of the major FS sites including FSElite and was aware of all of the above developers and aircraft in development.
  6. Excellent set of shots with great PBR effects on the Bizjet!
  7. Clouds do look great, but hope they can get the performance issues fixed.
  8. That livery looks great on the RV-10!
  9. Nice! I sure wish they made scenery for the US.
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