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About flightproductions

  • Birthday 10/31/1995

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  1. So recently i found out that ive been flying around with this problem without me noticing: I recently Bought FTX Palm Springs and i didn't notice this problem before i bought it. I also have some Scenery installed for the Los Angeles area but I have no idea where the location of it is and can't find it to remove it. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. thanks
  2. I have found out the problem. Apparently I did have a photorealistic scenery installed that was messing with the mesh. Deleting it from the scenery lib worked. I did like that scenery though. Anyway, thanks for all your support!
  3. This is Whiteman Airport (KWHP) in Los Angeles. I don't think I'm using any particular dado for this region but I'm not too sure. Sorry if I'm not giving enough information I just found out about this problem today and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it.
  4. I do use GEX and that's about it. How can I check layering in my scenery cfg?
  5. So I have just found out that the terrain at some of the airports is covering the runway, making it had to taxi and takeoff: Has anyone else had this problem? is there a solution for it? thanks for your help.
  6. Hello everyone, I've been wanting this plane in my collection for a while now, N8308L, it was my training aircraft for a while and was my favorite color to this aircraft. (Cant post picture due to copyright issues, just look up N8308L on google) I've been learning how to do reprints myself, but I'm not good enough to get this plane done correctly. Anyways, thanks to anyone who replies!
  7. Thanks Ron! Shes aged alot since I flew her :( . I didn't even know this beauty was on a TV show! Anyway, Many thanks for your work ^_^
  8. Thank you so much! Hopefully there are enough pictures of this bird out there so you know exactly what to paint.
  9. Hello, I was Hoping someone could make a livery of this aircraft ... This was the very first plane I ever flew, a Piper Archer II, and I hope someone could make a repaint of it (On Carenado's Archer II would be the best), If you need more pictures of the plane just look up N8346H on google. I would really love this plane in my Colection. Thanks to anyone who replies.
  10. Hi, I have just flights A320 Jetliner and i love it. But I really want to have the wings visible when in the VC (by pressing Ctrl+Enter to move back). I saw on the product page that there is an option for showing the wings from the interior view (wingview), but i can never figure it out. Unless its that view where you go to the aircraft tab and select left or right window, but that view is from the outside, and I really want it from the interior. so please help. Thanks.
  11. YES! I got it. thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it!
  12. And what program would I use to do this. I have FSrepaint. Does that program work or will it do better with another program
  13. hello all, I recently installed the B1900D from PMDG for fs2004. i was all good to go on it but then i found a hole in the tip of the nose. it really bothers me and I was wondering if there was any way to get rid of this. much help would be nice. thanks.
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