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Everything posted by Dean33

  1. Thanks. I’ll look at that after some sleep! Assumed it was automatic but it helps to RTFM! Any Falcon users confirm which boxes are ticked-all?? Dean
  2. I recently swapped my F1 750 for the RXP in my Flysimware Falcon 50 I am not intercepting localiser. Switch from GPS mode to VLOC. Heading to intercept. Approach activated. Hits localiser and flies through it or turns 90 degrees! F1. does the same intercept smoothly. 😂 So, should RXP be set different or has anyone noticed the Falcon misbehaving on approach with RXP. Tomorrow I’ll have to add RXP to another aircraft to cross check!
  3. Like many I have been struggling to fly real SIDS and STARS with the Navdata being over 2 years out of date on the F1 GTN750. They have been promising a more recent Airac at some point - but no dates. For example the routes available at KSAN were less than 50% of those listed on Navigraph! I purchased the RXP GTN750 today and was delighted that it's advertised 1803 Airac was 100% complete at KSNA (apart from a couple of number variations). Not only that but the RXP shows vertical restrictions more clearly and I found the VNAV process much better. I've had the F1 GTN and then their Complete and they are usually great - but their support process and outdated data got too frustrating for me F1 will probably sort themselves out eventually but for now I love my new RXP!!
  4. Can someone advise me about the database status on RXP 750 compared to F1 version I’ve had F1 Gtn750 for years but Airac is not upto date and it seems to me that the plethora of new RNAV routes being added over last two years has made the F1 version outdated. 1) I see RXP being offered with Airac 1803. Does this include all latest RNAV SIDS and STARS? 2) will RXP update this regularly / periodically? What’s is the policy please? 3). Sorry for being lazy and not looking but does it import flight plans from Simbrief? (Not a dealbreaker). thanks. Dean
  5. Having a blast at FL410 on Pilotedge over SOCAL.
  6. Had a blast at FL410 on Pilotedge over SOCAL. https://ibb.co/ctDRfL
  7. Thanks Bob. I’ll try uninstalling the GTN and using GNS later - along with any other suggestions that come up. Dean
  8. Thanks Cock. I have deleted generated files several times.
  9. I got wind of that and actually uninstalled it several days ago. So it’s not that but thanks Al.
  10. This is a superb biz jet - I've just flown KLAS to KLAX on Pilotedge and had time to have a good look around. The systems work great and the textures are pretty good (no disrespect, but far better than the Learjet on launch). I am however struggling with getting started in P3DV4 with numerous CTD's on start up and if I try to change aircraft. I flew a great flight earlier today having installed Beta3.0. Then closed P3D. Restarted 6 hours later and got CTD's on startup even though Falcon not default flight. Eventually got sorted by starting up scenario with another aircraft then switching. I have a system that can load P3D in 20 secs without traffic so shouldn't need to have these initialisation problems. Suggestions - or wait for future releases? Is anyone else having these problems?
  11. It will do the job with reasonable settings. Cap FPS at 30 and enjoy.
  12. Ryan and others still on the fence. This is a brilliant bizjet. The systems are excellent. The support brilliant. Not Carrenado visuals but I prefer systems that work!
  13. FlyingLimey. Why don’t you get Berts GTN750 mod for this aircraft - assuming you have the GTN. It might not be realistic to have a 750 stuck in the middle of the G1000 but it makes another incomplete Carrenado aircraft pretty flyable!
  14. Flew it last night. The VC is super detailed and realistic looking. Enjoy
  15. I use a laptop for P3D V4. Specs below. Very happy with mine. The general advice is if you don't need a laptop get a desktop. If you need a laptop (as I do) you probably need to spend £1,400 (sterling) upwards to get good results. Spend much less and it will not be sufficient.
  16. Great news. Since your mod this Citation has been getting out of the hanger far more often. For me, it is fighting with the XP Lear Jet which is already a brilliant professionally supported aircraft. (compared to Carenado's sell it and leave it policy)
  17. Hi Just my thoughts but the GTN750 is one of the most essential add-ons if you are into GA or Bizjet Flying. It is about the cost of a good aircraft addon and will just keep on giving and giving - brilliant value. Support for occasional issues can sometimes take a little time - but they boast they have never had a problem they couldn't fix. Dean
  18. I have experienced this quite often in the past The advice I have followed (which seems to avoid the problem) is to always start up with a default aircraft before switching to the Duke.
  19. Must admit I fancy this - but maybe wait for their next sale!
  20. This works great for me. Love the Course and heading adjustment Knobs on standby instrument. Is there something similar for altitude selection or do we have to shift 3? Also, is there no way to pop up the GTN - shift or click spot? Ive read climb speed 235IAS. Can someone advise me of and guide on climb thrust settings (and cruise and landing)? Great job. Dean
  21. Yes but if you have the Navigraph data subscription I don’t think Charts is a lot more?
  22. Hi Ryan. It for IFR more then VFR. I use V1 for ALL IFR flights (Pilotedge and offline) rather than little navmap, plan G or FSFlight Control for VFR.
  23. Expect ‘Swiss watch’ accuracy with timing from Urs!
  24. I’ve used EFB1 regularly for five years so the initial costs was a good investment. V2 looks interesting BUT personally I feel 20% discount is a bit shallow. 40% would feel ‘Ok’. 50% would be an instant purchase as a thank you and sign of loyalty (from both sides).
  25. Navigraph. The moving maps are excellent. I pulled a chart up on my iPhone the other day (whilst in flight) and it was tracking my flight without asking!
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