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About Room112

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  1. Maybe I'm an outlier but I don't find using my mouse to select responses very immersive. Being able to use real-world phraseology like I can on PilotEdge, Vatsim, SayIntentions, BATC and P2A is what does it for me. I own P2A, BATC, FSHud and subscribe to SI and I find SI to be the most realistic in that I speak to it without having to form my response in just the right way. For example, I can ask "What's the weather like at the airfield?" and it responds appropriately. Hopefully with the new ChatGPT announcement they can get the cost down.
  2. ActiveSky historical weather works great with P2A. You can set it to download historical weather based on the sim time and P2A will read the weather file.
  3. Get Sky4Sim (free or paid) and read their blog post on how to configure it to read P2A output. I also keep a P2A cheat sheet in the Sky4Sim documents folder if I forget phraseology. Once it's all set up, you'll have all your P2A output sent to Sky4Sim in VR.
  4. I think for commercial flights you're to enter your flight number, like 345 so that ATC refers to you as Ryanair 345.
  5. Great video. Really showed the product off. Quick question though. Those thunderstorms in the distance at the end of the video, if you had taken off again would you have been able to fly into them, or are they just 'painted' in the distance. (Apologies if it's a dumb question!)
  6. Same here. Sat on the loading screen for 10 minutes. Had to kill the task. Only change was new Oculus drivers. Reboot fixed it.
  7. Should already be 2 samples in the application folder.
  8. Any SAPI5 64-bit voice should work but most people stick with voices from Ivona or Cereproc. There are pay-as-you-go voices from Amazon but setup is tedious and sometimes takes a bit of work to get going.
  9. Not to hijack this thread, but has anyone tried their PA add-on? I have PacX and SLC but neither work particularly well in VR, and have more of a passenger management component then I care to have.
  10. Somebody posted an archive of the Polly Player for Windows so I thought I'd give it another shot. Like before, it's hit or miss. Sometimes it works when I start the software the first time, others times it might be the 3rd or 4th attempt. I go into Config and play each Polly voice before I set up my flight. If they play, then they will work for the entire flight. If not, I have to restart P2A. Cost wise I spend about $0.25 a month, but I don't use it for every flight. You have to give your CC details when setting up your AWS account, and it's automatically charged to the card. All in all, it was a bit of a chore to set up, but now that I have it up and running it works pretty well. One thing to note, not all Polly voices will work, but there are around 20 that do. I have a different Polly voice in each position.
  11. Run the make runways utility to read the scenery, then import it into P2A. It'll correct most, if not all, of the taxiway issues. For the rest, there's a taxiway editor in the game.
  12. I can't even get it to show up in VR so I gave up on it, which is a shame because it was such a handy utility.
  13. The link worked for me and I'm able to get Polly working for me consistently. Some tips I've seen floating around that worked for me: - Set the correct region when registering Polly in Windows. - Assign a voice to each controller, don't use the randomize feature.
  14. I use Sky4Sim because it works with both NeoFly and Pilot2ATC so if you use either program it's a no brainer.
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