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Everything posted by Victoroos

  1. I'm sorry, but where is the user setting file? I can't find it..
  2. is it true they only inject one type of weather across the globe?. Looks nice
  3. hm. I had that and resstarted and then it populated the list, so I assumed it was "fixed"
  4. Hi all, SO, last patch broke the bush flying completion.. and I was doing well. IN the notes in the sim itself it said this was fixed, so me on my way to yosemite. Landed at the mother airstrip.. or I think so, but no completion screen at all. Any tips or is it still broken? Love japan! Vic
  5. bush flying completion seems to be broken still...
  6. same, even with p3d v5, hahah. Nice shots Nyxx!
  7. OOH, I got the T part by just looking at the screenshots! but cheers. Looks awesome ^^
  8. Came the same conclussion.. installing p3dv5 again :P. ah well.
  9. if they are really there ;). No agree. Looks really awesome!
  10. yeah, those 4 sites I follow. But the forum on MSFs forum there also sometimes appears a gem which is..completely unnoticed, haha. okey, I see.. have to keep discovering 😛
  11. Hi all, I follow 3 / 4 sites now that post MSFS addon (updates). I thought I was doing well/ Now I was browsing through the MSFS forums and found a lot more airports all of a sudden. They are really scattered though. How do you guys keep track? Cheers Vic
  12. What did you do? and where do they not show up? A As in, if theya re airports, they only show once you loaded. When they are aircraft liveries, they should be in the livery section of the aircraft
  13. Defintely true. I guess the video from digital foundry was a good one with NEw York as test ground.
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