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Everything posted by Victoroos

  1. What happened at 0:48? And, was there no Tornado or anything at the ground during this event? But yeah, the clouds look nice!
  2. A bear in the UK?...Quite steep take offs. 😛 But wow, this sim keeps impressing 🙂
  3. wow.. because word not allowed.. nice
  4. I can't wait what AMD will show us today :). I really want more than 8 gb vram
  5. even when I fly on vatsim? 🙂 Oh, it isn't released yet, the FSLive Traffic
  6. How did he get the liveries? I still haven't found a solotion...
  7. If they do I'm considering the same. I really want more than 8 VRAM, but don't want to spend as much as the 3080..
  8. yeah, the platform is really really young.. 🙂
  9. Awsome, was interested in that weather in the left ;). nice!!!
  10. enjoy! it is sometime insane how good they are!
  11. hahaha, I was ready to type all the awesome things in the sim.. indeed flat spin :(. ANyway, Visual wise amazing.. Sky colours just, hmmhmm 😉 First time every doing bush flying..ever First time Vatsim VFR. First time landing in the "meadow" behind my old house...ever Clouds are finally 3d.. I can talk with colleagues about the SIM. and they know it..sorta A lot of freeware development..a whole new group of people getting into Scenery development. I can go on
  12. Bought, loved it when it was free, so well deserved!! 🙂
  13. Does create different weather around you/ or does it only load one weather type and spwans it everywhere?
  14. Don't even wanna know how expensive it will be, but it looks awesome!
  15. I don't get what I have to do. I understand that it are the IVAO models for use of the Real Life traffic? What is the "AI Traffic Liveries mod" he is talking about? the one on nexus?
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