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Everything posted by Victoroos

  1. what a great marketeer you are sir. As a student communication, I tip my head and fly of with the cloudmaster into the setting sun Even though the Brazilians also know how to make their metal cigars fly, and would love to do it virtually.
  2. shame, klm only fleis the 190and 175. But 190 is,.. bigger thus better. Is it actually any good at all? :O
  3. what would it add.. compared to AS16 andASCA?
  4. It is very possible they'll make their own "version/itteration" of some sorts :).
  5. So, is the global (not ultimate) version better than Freemesh? Data wise, LOD wise. just visual wise? :P
  6. What lighting do you use? Is this all ftx global :O And btw. I love the copyright explanation. Went onto the forum as a learning break...and I still learned something.. oh those French :P
  7. would you mind to share the pta? It is a winner indeed! :D
  8. wow, what pta / light settings do you use. I love the contrast!
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory Actually.. he seems right..sort of
  10. Does this apply to p3d v4 as well? A friend of mine has ctd's as well and we can't pinpoint it..
  11. Victoroos

    Big Bear Trees

    Like all the trees I assume in the flightsim world?
  12. wait, what did the updates in windows brake?
  13. well, it actually are all the boeing models.. :S
  14. yepp. Also the, E.G Airbus from faib work fine. Default, as well as yours :)
  15. What I don't understand then, is why for example, my default aircrafts do have your nice dynamic lights? vkr vic
  16. Hmm. I have barely any addon installed that does something with lights. And also, in v3, I had different addon's as well, a completely different setup...and it still happend :S
  17. I'm very close, as in my camera is on top of them. I also use default and yours. Both have the "issue".. I'm trying to register for FAIB.. just don't know what their first model was.. oeps
  18. I can see the anvs, and the white dot at the back of the wings were the strobes should be, but they don't flash...
  19. Ehm, I tried redownlaoding the default mdl and cfg's Still no luck
  20. what are "these" error messages? :) and about the second, can you check in the PMDG option menu in your fmc whether a startup state is selected?
  21. does it happen on other aircraft? Does it happen on other gates/stands/airports? Did you enable the green bar to see whether it misses a step from you?
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