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Everything posted by abennett

  1. Yes, I also do not see the massive fuss over an EFB. I'd rather keep the fps thanks. The aircraft is just as easy to load through the FMC, as is loading a simbrief flight plan, and when I want to use charts I use my second monitor or my ipad. Rather than having to zoom in on an ipad in the sim and lose the overall view of the gorgeous flight deck.
  2. The more guides the better. And if you know thing about how to stop FPS loss during flights it would be amazing to hear it. Did a flight from Trondheim to Munich earlier, 47 fps at top of climb, by the time got to top of descent struggling to make 30. I have no idea where these almost 20 frames went other than the fact that manipulators and main thread usage were very high. By the time I landed in Munich was struggling for 25 frames. Load back into to Munich immediately after with the same time and weather (live) and I have 45 frames at exactly the same spot. Very odd,
  3. I'm afraid for me, it's never been the same since SU5. I really wish it was like it was then, it was such a joy to fly. Now it's like meh. The clouds are so bad compared to before SU5 and often ruin the look of the sim. Pretty sure draw distances are much lower too.
  4. Bad update for me, getting massive FPS drops due to main thread about an hour into flight. Never had this problem before at all and have it on first flight after this patch.
  5. Ahh was me being stupid, the radio rheostat has restored both the tablet brightness and the transponder, I must have been fiddling....
  6. Anyone else had the transponder display going blank for no apparent reason? Using the GNS 530 option. Also at the same time the EFB brightness seems reduce...
  7. Thanks, I still don't see any difference in temp with them though. Easy way to test, one engine open, one closed, get the same temps.
  8. Are the cowl flaps modelled? I don't see any change visually or in terms of temps when opening or closing?
  9. Interesting reading. I find setting sharpen to 0 a must as for me the image is far too noisey with G7 odyssey 3070 1440p
  10. Anyone else find the cowl flaps work the wrong way round? I.e cylinder temps hotter with the flaps open
  11. Anyone else noticed the the graphics are blurred looking out the front windshield compared to the side windows?
  12. Apologies if already covered. I was thinking of giving the SU9 Beta a go, but really enjoying flying the 414 atm. Is it currently compatible?
  13. Very interested in this. I have barely flown on MSFS since SU7 with the very dramatic degradation in clouds and the weather system, and indeed since SU5 when everything was nerfed. If it looks as the though the quality of skies on release is coming back, I would be thrilled and able to start flying again!
  14. In exactly the same position. Was pretty much unusable for me.
  15. Nah, it is because it has been graphically downgraded. Such a travesty.
  16. Those using REX now, what settings are you using for smooth transitions with no FPS hit?
  17. @RICHUK I have had the complete opposite experience. I can't engage the autopilot in climb without the aircraft pitching down, when it eventually recovers it eventually shoots through the selected altitude even though it engages ALT mode. Then in descent, all can seem to be going well and then it will plummet. 99% sure not user error, been doing these things for 20 years etc etc. I know a friend has had the exact same experience.
  18. Very disappointed with this purchase. The sounds are awful The Autopilot doesn't work The HSI doesn't work when flying an outbound radial from a VOR.. It's just rubbish, worse than freeware and default aircraft.
  19. I’m still shocked when people need to look at METAR before taking off. In MSFS previously, there was no need as the meteoblue forecasts were providing the weather model, and now there is no need as the weather is not accurate to the METARs anyway, resulting in lower visual quality with no accuracy gain, i.e, bad. . We also simply don’t need the weather in sim to be exactly the same as in the real world so real world weather observations are totally pointless and I’m shocked people use them. In my opinion it would be better go back to the wonderful global dynamic weather model based on the meteoblue forecasts and to have the sim, or 3rd party software produce ‘METARs’ based on the weather that is actually being injected into the sim. Here they would be actually relevant, unlike the real world METARs, as they would be describing the actual weather in the sim , and therefore if great use for flight planning without visually ruining the look of the weather model.
  20. I just accidentally stumbled across a screenshot thread elsewhere going back to the launch of the sim. I wish I hadn’t seen it because it’s just made me so depressed and angry at how the sim has been downgraded graphically since release. One can scroll through the posts and clearly see how the clouds get significantly worse in terms of quality at SU5, and then just since SU7 are a total mess with all the ridiculous towering convective CB clouds on the ground basically but just over the airport where the METAR data is been so poorly rendered. I really wish I hadn’t seen it, it made me furious. Anyone else get this kind of feeling?
  21. True, but I think they expected it to be tested properly and if it didn't work (as it doesn't), it not be forced upon everyone and instead have it continued to be tested and developed until it does. I am afraid it is symptomatic of the huge number of problems Asobo has created by rushing things that simply don't work properly or break other things.
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