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About Flyboy

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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
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    Flight, Music & Harleys

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    US citizen born abroad bilingual 100%
    Electro Mechanical Engineer
    Worked at Jacobs Engineering, NASA, TRW, Northrop Grumman, Loral Aerospace among others

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  1. Just bought the JS4100 unknowing the incompatibility with FSX Steam.... Could someone please verify if the following issues are related to FSX Steam or just typical issues.... 1. Do not notice TAXI lights during day when on for the walk around.. 2. Throttle, Mix and Prop levers do not move..... 3. Some of the audio sounds (Stall, Gear horn, Fire, Overspeed) are not activated in the tests.... If I can can at least get these working it would be great... Simpler question.. What are the issues or incompatibilities with FSX steam? Thanks.... Flyboy53
  2. Jim.. Thanks so much... Interesting that I can spend hours on the internet looking for error codes and similar issues and give up finally to post something about it as I did.... I hate depending on others and am a problem solver by nature... I found the fsdreamteam post about the dll.xml That was the issue... Some how someway, my dll.xml go modified with a w at the end.... This is the last entry.... And some installation put that there.... my first guess is the last install I did which was ejets.... For what its worth... This wont work.... ------------------------------------------------- <Launch.Addon> <Name>FeelThere EJetX Helper</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>FeelThere\E170\EJetH.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> W ------------------------------------ I took out the W, saved and wala! Anyhow, thank you again for the advice.... It aint the first and wont be the last but somehow it is a pattern that as soon as I post it... I end up figuring it out..\ All my best... Flyboy53
  3. Evening folks... Below are the errors I get when trying to install GSX to P3D V3 after having installed SODE. My initial install was "Tropical Sim" SAEZ 2016 which comes SODE ready. Downloaded and installed the latest version of SODE Alls well, Have SODE Jetways at SAEZ 2016 Install three FS DREAMTEAM Airports.... All is good.... Install GSX.... Boom. These are what happened Interesting thing is that when I tried to uninstall the FS Dreamteam products along with COATI addon installer.... The same errors came up.. Somewhere I read it has to do with a DLL.XML? I havent the faintest and thought someone else might have had this issue,,,, Anything stand out in the images? Image 1: Just after closing SODE Registration window.... http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/GmIt Image 2: Closing thge runtime error popup http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/GmIQ Image 3: After closing the last error.. Leaves my instalation window frozen as in image. http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/GmIa
  4. Hi Folks... Was wondering if there is an official guide to "FTX Central version 2" that relates to library insertion points... Thanks... Flyboy 53
  5. draci... Would very much appreciate to know how to change my default SPIM to SPJC in P3D V3 Could you please share the process? thanks... Flyboy53
  6. Hi.. Just went thru the issue with installing powerpack for UT2. Disclaimer: Thsi will only work if you opted to backup your data base when installing powerpack. Precautions: 1. Make sure you download the proper Powerpack Version for you UT2 Schedule (There are two different downloads, read the download page thoroughly) 2. When installing, Make sure you opt to backup your original or latest UT2 Database files.. There are three.. Powerpack will do that if you opt to. 3. Most likely, Like I did, you will get a database error when trying to run UT2 again and as I, will swear every available word you can and scramble for help after all the hard work you put in to customizing the original UT2 Database.... 4. If you have Windows 7, Most likely you may have a restore point... "You Must Restart In safemode to properly use restore to a previous point" 5. If you have Windows 10, Most likely you don't have restore point option on... You are screwed. However.. If you do, Follow these steps... a. Hold the shift key while clicking on restart.. b. Click on troubleshooting c. Click on restore options d. Click Restore data e. Pick a previous Install The restore will take a little bit and reboot your computer. Windows 10 automatically runs restore in Safe mode.... It will reboot The following step can be performed without the Restore point feature but I haven't tried it.... yet.... If it works, Yous should ignore steps 1-5 and do only 6. 6. Go to C:\Root\User account\AppData\Roaming\Flight One Software\Ultimate Traffic 2\Backups\ Copy the the UT2_Weekly and Official to C:\Root\User account\AppData\Roaming\Flight One Software\Ultimate Traffic 2\Databases\ overwriting the corrupt ones Copy the Interface one to C:\Root\User account\AppData\Roaming\Flight One Software\Ultimate Traffic 2\ overwriting the corrupt one UT2 should start normally as it did for me. Good Luck!
  7. Afternoon folks... Had the same issue here but in my case, I used the correct powerpack. After compiling Powerpack new schedule UT2 started with a database error.... Any suggestions? Thanks Flyboy...
  8. Afternoon... At least here in Argentina... Same issue as PhugoidEffect referencing the CRJ Models..... "Ugly" is an understatement. Essentialy, once I download these alternatives, How does one go about replacing the UT2 versions....? I tried using my CRJ lineup from Wilco... Seems to ignore it... Thanks Again for the info..
  9. Seems like yours is the only post regarding those bombardiers... I have the same issue.... I assigned my wilco crj to it but still get the ugly model...
  10. Evening friends.... Noticed some strange behavior and I have searched the Net and seems to be void of this issue.... Trying to refresh my fsx.cfg, I saved it and restarted fsx so I could edit the default from scratch... For some reason, upon exiting fsx, it would save my fsx.cfg to fsx.cfg.tmp and upon starting fsx again, the latest saved version was gone. It loaded up its own without my last changes.... I cant seem to kick this problem. Opened the directory with the fsx.cfg that was saved after exiting.... so far so good. It was there. But noticed that the fsx.cfg date and time stamp changed, as it should, when fsx started again..... However, all my changes where gone. The fsx.cfg.tmp that was created had the changes in it but the newer fsx.cfg did not. Anyone have this issue? Dont know if it is specific to fsx-se or boxed as well. Thanks for input.... I'd rather be flying than editing.... Will Charles....
  11. You seemed to have mastered the cold & Dark on the Phenom.. There sadly is no documentation the the process for startup and shutdown/secure from carenado except their PDFS that are more of a checklist.... Would you mind passing on your C&D startup process/flow...and is it accurate? Thanks Will Charles
  12. Hi All.... Glad to see my content is back and not somewhere in nowhere land.... Just Bought this beautiful aircraft and stumbled through a flight from KJAC to KEGE which ended up in a front landing gear failure (bad landing) Would very much like to know as much about this aircraft as well as some other Carenado products... Is there anyone out there providing third party documentation? The PDF's that come with the aircraft are very basic and have checklists but no procedures such as Cold and dark start up. Have the same issue with the Phenom 11.... Also a beautiful aircraft but lacking the same docs. Hard for other vendors to keep up with PMDG standards... heh. Thanks... Will Charles
  13. Having an issue that has happened before with my Carenado Phenom 100 Originally as I was learning the cold and dark startup My Cockpit display panels went dark and I figured maybe i ran the battery down... Today midflight from KJAC to KEGE, it happened again. Total loss of instrument panels, FMC went dead, ATC stopped functioning... I saved the flight. Rebooted and started FSX again and loaded the flight. All was back but I had to reset the FMC, AP, and it happened again.... What is up? I didn't find any other reports. I fly PMDG all the time with no issues.... Would appreciate some constructive suggestions.... http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/Ugq
  14. Thanks Kyle.... That worked. Interesting that in settings the path was listed and it was enabled to search automaticaly.... Anyway.. Its in. Again thanks and have a great evening..... Im off to KEGE from KJAC. Will Charles
  15. Hi Kyle... When you say manually, Do you mean in settings under P3D V3? because that is mapped right to the P3D V3 folder.... Or is there another way to map it "Manually" http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/Ug0 http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/image/UgF Thanks.... Will Charles....
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