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About kowen

  • Birthday 06/04/1975

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  1. I have it. It’s not bad software. Well designed, pretty and the author is hot with developing it and quick to fix mistakes. I think it’s a solo operation. I’m not sure if the name actually represents what it is, but it mimics passenger airline operations. I think of it as the Sims of the sky. You have passengers and some of them get scared when you fly too aggressive, they get hungry so you need to feed them, and they get bored so you need to entertain them. Similar to FS Passenger and FS Captain but a tad bit simpler. If you have the money, go for it and support the developer. If you are tight with money, might want to do some research as there are others (FS Captain and PACX).
  2. Kowen, thanks again for your assist. If you still use this autopilot are you able to work with it in the 310r virtual cockpit mode or switch to other views? 

    1. kowen


      It works on the panel and in the virtual cockpit. 

    2. ellish0rse


      OK, The old eyes are not what they used to be.

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