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Everything posted by TopGun33

  1. Thank you again! Now this is getting seriously interesting.
  2. Thank you for the clarification! If I understand correctly, the turbulence and wind effects dynamically generated depending on terrain and wind direction / strength?
  3. Unfortunately X-Plane seems to have the best of what civilian helos have to offer for the moment. P3d users are not too lucky. I am hoping the Dodosim will bring the level up again just like it did during the FsX times.
  4. I'm happy the soon to be runway is already in the scenery. It will avoid th scenery be outdated in 6 months once it is finished. It is easier to ignore a runway beeing built than having it missing for the next 4 years, just like what previously happened on ORD sceneries.
  5. https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/forum/topic/195-faq-terraflora/ There you go, first item.
  6. Installed orbx trees first then TF. From what I remember it was said on the Orbx forums that the Orbx sceneries made use of the Orbx trees HD in some sceneries, while all other trees were replaced by TF or something like that. I'm on my phone right now gonna try to find the reference.
  7. Hi! I use them and I love them. They make for really nice landscape in the Rockies or in the Sierra Nevada. I use the Orbx trees also, which are compatible with Terra flora. Orbx recommends installing their trees if you own some of their sceneries even if you have Terra flora.
  8. Now this is some exotic stuff! I have fond memories of the PT Tu-154 on FS9. Now I'm fully on P3D4, I am desperate for some Russian metal.
  9. Indeed it is possible, during installation you can choose for each airport which ones you want or not. Finally, Chicago is welcoming again in P3D after so many years of outdated sceneries. I'll keep my Orbx Meigs Field, just because I love this airport ♥
  10. Although the circumstances are not the best, I wish Bob good luck serving the community at best.
  11. Best wishes to you, and many many thanks for everything.
  12. You should try to recalibrate using the FsX calibration menu. Otherwise I'd recommand getting FSUIPC, it allows you to fine tune the calibration.
  13. Hello! This looks like a calibration issue. Do you use FSUIPC?
  14. Oh yes sorry about that 😂 I should have been more clear. What I mean is that since there are no major layout makeovers, I'll stick with the AS version until the JS version is on sale later on. I am keeping my budget for something else so far.
  15. I understood that JS was better than Aerosoft, and that the Aerosoft port to P3D4 was light, using materials from the FS9 time.
  16. OK I see, I'll pass on the update then for the moment. The Aerosoft is still good enough for me. Thanks for the explanation 🙂
  17. Apart from textures could you please enlighten us on what has changed? New terminals, airport layout or something else?
  18. I like the new look. Very classy. I imagine myself well during a night approach to Lake Tahoe trying to aquire visual with the airport with the cockpit in this "mood".
  19. Hello! I see two things here. The advice you are mentioning is not only about Milviz. Any third party add-on that is a minimal complex should be used from a fresh launch of the sim with a simple default flight. In many cases it is not advised to jump from one add-on to another during a session. As for myself I have created a default flight with the Mooney and if I want to change aircraft, I usually quit the sim and launch a new session. So to answer your thread title : yes, 3rd party Add-ons can very well be installed together ; it is most of the time just a matter of launching a clean sim session before selecting them. If you have any doubt, you should refer to the documentation of the aircraft, almost all add-on makers mention the right way to behave about this in their manual. I hope this helps!
  20. I used to have the same cnfig and this won't be a problem using Track Ir.
  21. Yes you are correct. I don't use headphones so I need to wear the cap. But you need the reflectors somewhere anyway though.
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