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Everything posted by LesOReilly

  1. These guys are not responding....pretty sure they are going to be "closed" up shop and no return of email is taking place..... I would look at the other offering available for remote CDUs....They are very active and very responsive... https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/742-remote-cdu-for-phone-tablet-official-support-forum/
  2. First -- You are a little over the top on this....I think you also need to maybe start out with a more reasonable set of questions than BLASTING off. All Caps in Bold and wit Red backing is basically the equivalent of shouting and screaming at people....probably not going to see many people help you out. Now let's talk about a thing called "copyright" law....guess what it applies to people work and how they license that work. I suggest you spend a few hours on software licenses. In this case as a "commercial" developer you would run afoul of almost every copyright out there if you were to take the "work" of Laminar and then distribute that work...even if it is modified and supplied with "good intent". Even Carenado has had weird "exceptions" to people modifying their aircraft to support things but have seemed to leave individuals alone that make Config Mods but those still stop short of supplying Model modifications at the 3D level... If the Vendor of the Aircraft does not supply the model with a 3D model that incorporates this then you have to modify it yourself. Reality XP offers all of the items needed for the 3rd party developer to incorporate them into their models. There are plenty that do this now and it would have been great if they also offered 3D models of the cockpit that would have not included the Avionics as part of the model -- example with many if you try to put the Bezel into the VC the issue is that it is still below the 3D Model of the AC. For some with say a 430 and you replace with another unit lot's of the Knobs are 3D and will protrude through and you can not get rid of them. If you want to have the "easy" way and not have to do some of this then you need to purchase only the Air Craft that the developer have incorporated the models and support directly into them -- or you will have to Mod them / only use the 2D pop ups..... Issue number 3 -- You are barking up the wrong tree here. In experience with the company that I work for we had an issue where Comcast decided to put us on a "blacklist" and block our emails. They are the ones that are blocking RXP not that RXP just decides that they do not want to email to those addresses.......In our case this happened because when we had signed on mailing lists we had quite a few customers with comcast emails --- because they were our customers and signed up for notifications :)..... Well apparently Comcast does not like Emails that it think are "spam" because they were sent to multiple people. We had to contact them and work through all kinds of hoops (luckily one of our large customers being NBC they were able to "interject" on our behalf) at the end we were warned against any further emails with multiple users on it....Hungh??? The approved method for this meant we had to use an "approved" email list vendor...... Yes you read that correct we had to go and pay a service to be our email "list" distributor and only then would we be able to have comcast email addresses on large mailings??? If this is the similar predicament that RXP has run into (which I can see is possible) then maybe they don't see the "value" in having to spend lot's of money on paying a 3rd party mailing service that is approved by comcast. If you are mad that you can not use your Comcast email then maybe take it up with your provider and not yell at RXP whom is unable to send emails to that address.
  3. If this is on a different Video Card than the instance of the Simulator is running on people in the past have pointed to disabling the Full Screen Optimizations by right clicking on the P3D Launch and then it's in the compatibility section of the properties... I am not sure if this will solve your issue but apparently people have posted that flickering video and other issues with dragging popups onto screen connected to secondary cards has worked for them.
  4. 1 -- do you have good airflow for your Cooler? even though it is liquid cooled the Radiator still needs to perform a Heat Exchange. Similar to an AC unit there is also only a "maximum" that you can drop the Temps vs the external Air temp. If the air temp around the case is warm or your Inlet vs exhaust is not moving enough air over the Radiator then you are going to only be able to drop the circulation by so much. 2 -- Are you sure that you have a good solid Thermal Bond to the Water Block? Again if there is an issue here you are not maximizing your thermal dissipation.
  5. The Benefit to having 4 slots is that you have double the memory controller width that can be written/read to/from at the same time....So you have to compare the amount of Data at that speed vs the half the data at a faster speed.....So it is possible that you could replace the 2 Dimms with faster dimes....However you would want a Speed that is going to move that Data at such a higher speed rate that it would be able to outpace the slower speed but at double the memory width...
  6. Or maybe they looked at the space and saw a ton of focus is already applied to the Boeing Style and "multi function" and thus saw an opportunity to do an affordable offering for something that does not have any competition.... At this price point there will be plenty of customers that can afford to buy these for specifically flying airbus without breaking the bank.....I know a lot of guys that use a Warthog Throttle.... Also there have been posts about the Flaps apparently being able to remove the Detents....until someone in the "wild" is able to get their hands on it there is only so much information that is available...
  7. Windows updates has been turning the "feature" back on a lot 🙂 After a Windows version update I find I have to go back in and apply the "fix" to all of my Panels and joysticks....
  8. If you hover on the Link posted you will see that AVSIM is doing "something" to it...So you have to copy the Link By Selecting all of the text and then pasting it into the Web browser... or you have to click on that linked then you will need to Add the (including the "") "MASTER DEVICE" into the Search bar next to the Site:AVSIM.com Les
  9. The first hit using that URL gets you this discussion:
  10. https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/monitors/gaming/49--chg90-qled-gaming-monitor-lc49hg90dmnxza/ Yeah....Do it!!!
  11. Intel user here (9700K) -- but your friend is talking out of his "A$$".... I am also looking at a Ryzen CPU next go around especially since the Threadrippers have so many direct PCIe gen 4 lanes direct connected to CPU and double the memory controllers...
  12. Maybe when the trainer updated it resets this?
  13. Here is a link to find what you need.... https://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+record+your+windows+desktop+screen
  14. When it comes to selling things there is always a way to get what you want :).......Just depends on how much money is required to solve the problem. Based on that response seems like they are offering a reasonable option to allow you to have the best of both products that you want.
  15. You Wrote the Following: Immediately after "that" post I replied to the thread with the following.... You Then wrote this as a reply: There is nothing unclear about what "That" is......Nothing......You are the only one asking questions in this thread. So we are only replying to your question..... What is exactly F1VC gauge? ----->>> That is an "invisible" gauge...think controller...That will translate the F1 GTN 750 Click Spots to send commands to the RXP GTN. In Flight Sim gauges are written in XML. Now they can also be built up into CAB files and if you unpack them then you can edit them and then re-pack them. Did you at least download the file from the Link -- from the video that shows you how to do it as well?
  16. Have you considered contacting them and asking what they can do for your situation? They have an email address right on their website for "Contact Us".... ORDER@WHEELSTANDPRO.COM
  17. That is an "invisible" gauge...think controller...That will translate the F1 GTN 750 Click Spots to send commands to the RXP GTN. When the AC was made they only incorporated the the F1 Version and since the 3D Model has the F1 Bezel built into the 3D model you can't replace the Bezel. If you don't care about using the Buttons and Knobs in the VC for the 750 and you only use the Pop Out Panels then you do not need it.
  18. @Dirk98 I figured out what the issue is.....That folder and file he is pointing to in the video is not from the "official" RXP folder... Instead it is a zip with the text file in it that he made and posted on his website. The link to the website is in the Video Description notes -- which of course you don't see with embedded videos....You need to click on the youtube button to "Watch on YouTube" and then you see the link in the Description... Here is the link to that file on his website.... https://flysimware.com/website/help/rxpGTN.zip That I think will maybe make some of your items a little easier... Les
  19. When you ran the RXP GTN installer where did you have it install too?
  20. This is the GNS that you can still have the "-" instead of a "_"......Hmmm do you have the GTN in the sim and can try the same thing? That might again open up more information as to what is going on? If you don't I can always try to do something....I just can't get onto the sim till later .... watching the 2.5 year old currently 🙂 so only able to sit on my MacBook and visit the forums 🙂
  21. It may not matter for just the iPad CDUs...I don't use this product for that (I only bought their MCP and EFIS hardware products....) For the Software product I use one of the other Vendors that is very Active and constantly updating / Releasing new products.... They are here on AV Sim as well... (look for the Remote CDU Forum just a few below this one.....) Now quick question --- is this the PMDG 737 or the New 737NGXu that was recently released? If it is the NGXu then it may not be supported....again I am not sure as I don't use their iPad apps. Second -- if it is the the original 737 then have you made sure that you added the config edit to the PMDG SDK config file? By Default they do not send out the Data and you have to enable it.....
  22. The VA Guys are not going to help you.....They are gone....Don't reply to anything. Your only hope is going to be a 3rd party Dev whom Reverse Engineers the "Protocol" and then adds it to their software. Once that is done I will be posting a thread notice here for an update on it.
  23. I would head over to the 3D Print Model sites 🙂 Download the files and then use a service like Shapeways (they did my 3D Printed GNS 530 Bezels worked well) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2296118 Print services here https://www.shapeways.com/?utm_campaign=search_branded_desktop&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%2Bshapeways&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjer4BRCZARIsABK4QeWamCMY35baWZ46CSk0EwFUXz2jGTGBPie9nv5bq1bl3pV5DtKJ_voaAnn3EALw_wcB
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