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Lars II Contrail

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Everything posted by Lars II Contrail

  1. Hello gents, SWS is publishing updates on their store first, presumably to test if the installer is working correctly (before it spreads). Third party stores get it with a slight delay of a couple of hours or a day - so far I haven't received a v1.3.8 installer, but will make sure to publish it as soon as I have it!
  2. Hi Christopher, here is a cockpit view of a 737 landing RWY16, pretty much what @SAS443 described https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYb1ZCSvLVU
  3. Just wanted to report that it was a bug afterall! When completing the checkout, it will now redirect to the downloads page as of app version v2.2.9 (just released)
  4. Hey, "My Library" in Orbx Central is "My Products" in Contrail (top left menu). Furthermore the product is available for download right after completing the checkout in-app (final screen), and then also shows up in the "Downloads" menu (top right) and the "My Products" tab. "Libraries" in Contrail are folders where products can be installed to, outside of the Community folder. So a product only shows up in a library once it has been installed. It could also be a bug of course, didn't you see the download in the mentioned places after completing the checkout?
  5. If all goes to plan it should be released on the Marketplace next week.
  6. Do you mind sharing crucial graphics settings? My sim tends to present me with an atomic bomb like orange glow. Yours is beautiful!
  7. Just wanted to report that v1.0.1 has been released on Contrail (excpected on Aerosoft tomorrow, Tuesday) This fixes the purple tiles issue and should also bring improved performance.
  8. We have received reports about the purple tiles, and the developer, Emmanuel, is currently investigating the issue. While it does not affect everyone, we are working to understand the cause and determine if any part of the scenery contributes to the purple tile problem. This appears to be one of those perplexing issues where these tiles show up in areas that only have default satellite imagery.
  9. Due to the shape of the airframe I suppose the technique is comparable to the Mig-21 which you also dive down to the runway (low AoA) with relatively high RPM (80-90ish) and then minimal flare / slam.
  10. This is a known problem in MSFS; please make sure to run the latest drivers and try to disable Windows Hardware Acceleration. Thread for reference: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/blue-and-purple-terrain-tiles/481113 Hope it helps! I have also sent a link to the developer, but I'm not sure if he can do much about this since the satellite imagery is mostly default.
  11. I was also interested in seeing the difference between Active Sky and MSFS Live Weather. So I chose a few spots around the globe and took comparison screenshots. I especially like the Stratus cloud type, rarely or never seen this with the default weather. Results can be seen here, included the current METAR and a comparison slider. https://contrail.shop/products/hifi-simtech-active-sky-msfs Disclaimer: Not intended as self promotion, but figured I would post it anyway since it's the best form of comparing screenshots
  12. The XBox App is causing has been causing this issue for me recently, the MS log-in didn't want to stick and when opening the app after a PC restart it always displayed "There was a problem with your account - Fix Now" There was no update available for the XBox app, but re-installing it seems to have solved the issue.
  13. Me too, none of the third party shops have it yet. I hope we can expect it today. EDIT: Now available at the Contrail Shop
  14. Just stumbled over this thread now, thank you for your kind words gents, especially @JYW! Hope you have logged good hours on your P2012 in the meantime 🙂 @qqwertz The reason for the log-out usually is expiry of a token. The session is stored in a token (on the web, these are mostly called cookies), which will be refreshed the next time you use the app (or log-in to a website). If the token is not valid anymore, you have to log-in again. Now websites and apps handle expiration differently, browser websites are usually more strict, highly correlating with how secure the system has to be (e.g. banking website log you out after 5 minutes of inactivity). But a long expiration time doesn't imply an unsecure system. It's a question of implementation, and usually there is not one token but two, plus additional security meassures.
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