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Everything posted by CPFL

  1. I was in a similar situation in the past for several months. In my case, the cause of the issues was a totally unrelated software, a photo edition program called Capture One. I discovered this threat only by pure luck and it was my exact problem just by chance: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/bug-logged-ctd-caused-by-capture-one-20-codec/452538 I am not tech savvy enough to do this type of forensic analisys, but I put the link in case you can find something that could help you with diagnostic technics.
  2. I totally agree. It is a nice addon to consider by anyone interested in these type of aircrafts.
  3. I didn't know about this project. My first impression is very good
  4. Sometimes it seems like there are a lot of shareholders out there. 😂 I may be a weird person, but I enjoy both MSFS and X-Plane. I think I'll wait to see which of the 777s I will buy. And the final decision will surely not be based in any 'market logic'.
  5. As I write this, Asobo is struggling to publish SU15 after several delays. It seems that at least one of the difficulties is a WASM problem related with the instrumentation. To add to MSFS the simulation of modern military avionics, electronic warfare, radars, countermeasures, thermal signatures, missile fliying dinamics, etc, and the cross interaction of this systems in multiplayer to MSFS may be theorically possible but, nevertheless, a huge and tremendously complex task.
  6. Most of us in this forum try to take the sim seriously and simulate procedures as realistically as we can from our homes. But, it is actually a game. I interpret the "We are not a game" more as a figure of speech than as the contractual equivalent of "We for sure will include charts and keep them updated". I will be happy if the future proves me wrong and you are right about this.
  7. I suspect that what you think Jorg meant is not exactly what Jorg meant
  8. I had the same problem. @btacon solution has solved it, thanks
  9. I have made a quick test doubling the size of the file C90B_cockpit.png from 2048x2048 to 4096x4096 pixels and the simulator loads the new bigger file without problems. So I may have a little project sharpening some texts.
  10. It seems that the C90 is taking the instrument pictures, all of them including the Garmin 530, from within the file C90B_cockpit.png. The instruments there are drawn with much worst resolution than the separate image files for instruments in the Baron.
  11. The duration of the grant they have obtained from the German Goverment is until May 31, 2025. So they still have plenty of time to complete the plane. I don't know the details of this particular project, but in Europe you usually have an audit at the end date where you are expected to justify expenses and show results. https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Artikel/Wirtschaft/Games/Games-Projekte/airbusneo.html It can take longer that what we would l am quite confident we will have the plane
  12. I am also a newbie on the CL650. The thing that is avoiding me the feeling of frustration is the documentation about the Challenger 605 (not the 650, different model but close enough) in the Smartcockpit website. For example, the pneumatic system. I had to see the actual diagram with the placement of the elements in order to understand the meaning of those 7 buttons regarding the 10th and the 14th stage bleeds, the sense of pressing them in a particular order and why an "open" or a "close" indication in some of them. Without this, a video in a language different for my mother tongue is hard to follow and I find resources like Discord more appropiate for short and specific questions.
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