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Christopher Low

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Everything posted by Christopher Low

  1. I just want the kind of ground handling that I enjoyed in P3Dv4. I don't need it to be real world realistic. I just need it to work.
  2. I am being perfectly honest here when I say that the clouds do look good close up on my PC. Cloud surfing looks so realistic, with wispy tendrils floating past my window. Some of the clouds are partially transparent, but lots of them are totally opaque, and I can see nothing when I pass through these until I emerge on the other side. The experience can be quite breathtaking at times.
  3. My clouds do not appear grainy, although I have only used the "Few Clouds" and "Scattered Clouds" options to date.
  4. Are the ground handling improvements in the PMDG 737 mentioned by others just an illusion then? It is absolutely certain that this needs to be corrected, because having the nosewheel skid when turning at 10 knots is definitely not realistic, and extremely annoying.
  5. What about the nosewheel "skidding" during turns on the ground. That is something that needs to be sorted out, even if it is forced.
  6. I am disappointed that there is no Valentine's Day sale (as I am keen to buy some more airports), but I did notice one airport on the MS Marketplace that I had not seen before at a 30% discount. This is EFKI Kajaani by a developer called BIGBEN, and it looks pretty good in the screenshots. Not a large terminal or apron, but the terminal building itself looks very nice, and it has detailed interior modelling. The runway is 2500 metres long, and the airport is located in a rather nice area of Finland next to a large lake with plenty of interesting arms and backwaters. I snapped it up at the irresistible price of just £5.79.
  7. I would be extremely surprised if sales of airport addons in MSFS are disappointing. Whilst it is true that the default scenery does not need much (if any) enhancement, the vast majority of airports certainly do.
  8. Captain Piett is a reminder of the glory days of Star Wars. Oh, how standards have slipped since then
  9. I am also hoping that they will fix the misaligned runway centrelines at some of their airports (I have sent them an email, and also posted on the IniBuilds forum).
  10. I had a quick circuit flight at UK2000 EGAC Belfast City this afternoon, and noticed a big dark square on the water (some rubbish generic dark green texture that looked like it had been dragged kicking and screaming from FSX or P3D) in Belfast Harbour short of the runway 22 threshold. I have never seen that there before EDIT: I have just reloaded the same scenario, and the dark square has vanished 🤷‍♂️
  11. Yeah, I know that I should look at getting new hardware, but I thought that I had resolved the problem a couple of months ago. What is the CWS button? What does it do?
  12. That is fair enough. You cannot really expect developers to back date special offers. I am trying my hardest to be patient and wait for another MS Marketplace sale before I go on another spending spree, but it is hard work!!
  13. Not much snow in Cumbria (north west England). Just endless rain
  14. You probably get what's left of the word not allowed that regularly graces the northern UK shores
  15. I am having major problems with the nosewheel steering again. Like Jazz says, it seems to work fine (although it is far too sensitive) up to a certain speed, and then the nosewheel "locks", and it struggles to turn at all. It worked perfectly in P3D, so this is incredibly frustrating. I really thought that I had sorted it out some time ago, but I have only been flying directly from the runway for quite some time, so I did not need to turn the plane to any great extent. I wish that there was a way to limit the turn of the nosewheel, so that it does not go too far, and start sliding
  16. I agree to some extent with your comment about AI traffic. I could not live without it in P3D, but at the moment I am getting a lot of enjoyment simply by looking at the outstanding scenery/lighting/clouds when I am flying. I am relatively new to MSFS, so I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas morning My display resolution is 1920x1080 in DX11 mode on a 24" widescreen monitor, with 1.3x DSR, TAA, all settings on HIGH, and Terrain LOD/Object LOD at 250/125 respectively. I have PG disabled.
  17. IniBuilds products run fine on my i5 7600k/GTX 980Ti powered PC (and that includes EGLL London Heathrow; AI planes not enabled), so further optimisation is not at the top of my own personal list. What I want them to do is correct the alignment of the runway centreline markings at EGHI Southampton, and particularly at LGHI Chios Omiros (where a few of them are seriously out of position).
  18. Another issue to add to the list.... Both runway starts at ENSB Svalbard (the hand crafted version of the airport included in WU15) position the aircraft at the runway 28 threshold.
  19. Talking of investment in MSFS and addons......will there be a Valentine's Day (or weekend) sale? I have an itchy trigger finger
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