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Christopher Low

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Everything posted by Christopher Low

  1. That is a good point. I run MSFS @ 1080p resolution on a 24" widescreen monitor, so differences in framerate will almost certainly be harder to perceive on this than they would be on your 55" monitor.
  2. He is right regarding the obsession with fps though. I have not checked my framerate a single time in MSFS since I installed it last November. The performance on such a mediocre PC is so impressive that I have never needed to!
  3. This is the reason why I use the thrust reversers only on my PMDG 737-600 down to 70 knots, and then use the brakes. It gives me a far more realistic rollout. Needless to say, the deceleration from 70 knots to taxi speed using those brakes is very quick.
  4. The big question is....are the runway centreline markings correctly aligned? I would hope that is the case after sending MK Studios an email regarding this issue at one or two of their other airports. I received a very positive response to that email, so I have my fingers crossed!
  5. The announcement of a version 2 of this airport by Pyreegue is the only reason why I have not purchased version 1. Really looking forward to this, as Edinburgh is one of my favourite airports.
  6. Apparently, SimWings are also releasing a version of LEBL Barcelona on Monday.....
  7. The DEM resolution appears to be fine. It is the vector overlay of the shorelines that seems to be very unrealistic in places. Those areas remind me of the default P3D/FSX coastlines, and that is not a good look.
  8. I have recently purchased this scenery, and I noticed that I get a "Terrain, Terrain, Pull Up" warning both on take off from runway 09, and also on final approach. Is this normal for this airport? I have checked out a handful of approaches to runway 09 on YouTube, but I have not heard any warnings of this kind. On a side note, I appreciate that the clue may be in the name as far as Greenland is concerned, but is it actually as dark green as the landscape appears to be in MSFS? I have also noted that the vector data for some of the lakes and other water features in this area seems to be quite low resolution (including a section of the fjord directly below the runway 09 approach).
  9. INSERT key to switch from VC to Drone View. You can then use the W/A/S/D keys to move forwards/backwards/sideways, the R and F keys to move up and down, and the 4 and 6 keys on the NUMPAD to spin left or right. Does that not work on your PC?
  10. I am not that impressed. If they want to simulate eclipses, then they should do it properly. I would prefer to see no eclipse at all than a 40% partial where there should be totality. I would be interested to know if this partial eclipse of the Sun can be seen anywhere else in the world in MSFS on that day.
  11. No tweaks required on my PC, and I am nowhere near a 4090!
  12. In my opinion, an aircraft would only refuse to climb at idle thrust on the approach if it was right on stall speed. Presumably, that is not the situation when an airliner on a stabilised approach is about to flare for landing? That being the case, surely the excess energy would result in a short climb if the yoke is pulled back too far? The climb would not last for long without an increase in power, but wouldn't the increased angle of attack generate more lift up to a certain point?
  13. What happens if an aircraft travelling at a ground speed of over 800 mph (due to being pushed by a very fast jetstream) suddenly drops out of that regime into normal atmospheric conditions? Is that possible, or are the edges of the jetstream very well defined and stable (so that this can be avoided)?
  14. It absolutely is a good choice. I have been flying the -600 since FSX, and this MSFS version is almost certainly the best value that you will ever see for a "study level" airliner.
  15. There have been suggestions for the OP to purchase the Premium Deluxe version. However, I would suggest the Standard version this late in the day (I did the same thing last November). The additional aircraft and hand crafted airports are hardly what I would call essential, unless you have no intention of buying any addons. For the record, I purchased the Steam version.
  16. I am looking at replacing my existing CH Flightstick Pro with another joystick, and I was wondering if any AVSIM members use the Turtle Beach Velocity One Flightstick? I fly the PMDG 737-600, and I am looking for a joystick that provides smooth and fluid motion without "sticking" in both the main axes, and also the throttle wheel. I know that the Velocity One has many other functions available (certainly more than the Flightstick Pro), so I am just looking for opinions on the build quality and overall sensitivity.
  17. Does that mean that it turns properly on the ground, Jon? You know, the exact opposite of my PMDG 737-600?
  18. There are no noise abatement procedures at any airport on my PC. I enjoy using the thrust reversers exclusively in my PMDG 737-600 after touchdown and down to 70 knots. Only then do I kick in the brakes. Part of the fun of watching airliners land in the real world is hearing those thrust reversers in action, and the same is true when I am in my virtual cockpit.
  19. Please read the EDITED version of my post. I did not realise that I was in the BETA thread!
  20. Button 4 on my CH Flightstick Pro joystick. I press and hold the button to arm the reversers, and then increase thrust with the throttle wheel. When I am done, I reduce the thrust to idle, and release the button. EDIT: Ah, sorry. I thought that this was something that happened after the small update the other day, but I see that it is with the BETA version. My apologies.
  21. Thrust reversers are working fine on my PMDG 737-600.
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