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Christopher Low

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Everything posted by Christopher Low

  1. It was some guy on a keyboard pressing the left and right arrows.
  2. I have set graphical quality limits in P3Dv4 that I do not compromise for anything. They are as follows:- Extremely Dense Scenery Complexity Extremely Dense Autogen Building and Vegetation Density 16x Anisotropic filtering 4x SSAA (significant difference compared to 2x SSAA @ 1920x1080 resolution) 2048x2048 textures (noticeable difference compared to 1024x1024 when up close to objects) LOD Radius and Autogen Draw Distance are set to MEDIUM, although I would prefer them to be HIGH. That is a compromise that I can just about accept, considering that I generally trundle around the countryside no higher than 5000 feet. I think I saw Ray's contrail once up in the stratosphere, but I blinked and it was gone
  3. I have only watched two episodes so far, so I have avoided reading the contents of this thread
  4. He mentioned on his Twitter page that he was looking forward to flying the FBW Airbus A380 in Microsoft Flight Simulator (after offering to provide the FBW guys with all of the information and data that he had from his own attempted A380 project). That one hit me quite hard
  5. IMO, the visual appearance of the rock face itself leaves a lot to be desired in both versions. It is pretty obvious that neither of them match the real world landmark (at least on the airport and open sea sides).
  6. The Blackshark guy mentions that Microsoft approached them in 2016 regarding using this new technology for an upcoming project. It is interesting to me that Microsoft had taken what was probably a rather large sum of money from Dovetail Games for the licence to use the FSX (and maybe MS Flight) technology to build a new flight simulator, and yet had every intention to blow Dovetail's product away with the development of their own revolutionary flight simulator using the finances that Dovetail had so kindly provided them. I dunno. Maybe I am getting cynical in my old age?
  7. That is very sad news indeed. I really enjoyed his YouTube flight videos. He had a very watchable style. He will be missed
  8. I noticed recently that the textures on the hangars (and one or two adjacent buildings) at Jurby Airfield in the Earth Simulations Isle of Man package were not being displayed (the models were jet black). I seemed to recall encountering a similar issue at ES Alderney many years ago, so I conducted a search, and found the following thread here at AVSIM..... https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/481183-earth-simulations-alderney-black-houses/?tab=comments#comment-3351485 Based on the identified solution in that thread, I copied all of the textures in the ES-3D/Texture folder that started with "Jurby..." to the main Prepar3d v4 texture folder......and it worked! I thought that I would post this here just in case anyone else is still using the Earth Simulations scenery packages in P3D (and is experiencing similar problems). That thread was over seven years ago, but I can honestly say that ES Isle of Man is still one of the very best scenery addons that I have installed in P3Dv4 (I think that I was using the recently released v3 at that time). Lots of the objects used in the package are bespoke 3D models, and therefore look significantly better than the (rather dodgy looking on close inspection) autogen buildings and textures. ES Isle of Man was a masterpiece in its day. It was so far ahead of its time.
  9. I downloaded the 737-200C package on the second attempt, and it seems to have successfully installed.
  10. For those flight simmers who have never been to a flightsim show, I cannot stress highly enough just how nice it is to be able to talk to others face to face about flight simulation. I never get the opportunity to do that anywhere else. I would also add that this makes a big difference to the enjoyment that I get from the show. My first two visits to RAF Cosford (2014 and 2015) were awesome, and I could hardly wait to return. I talked to lots of people, met some online friends for the first time (like Kevin Firth in 2015), and really made the most of my time there. On the other hand, 2016 and 2017 felt very "empty" in comparison, but I think this was partly my fault due to not getting involved enough (and missing some of the friends that I had made the previous two years). After the 2017 show, I was starting to wonder if the event was getting a bit "stale"..... ....and then I met Raul (Simbol) at the 2018 show. He had a table at the event, and was demonstrating his upcoming AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition product. Suddenly, I had a "focal point" again at the show, and I was made a member of the FS Reborn beta testing team on the spot. I instantly felt at home again, and my excitement and enthusiasm for the event returned! 2019 was the pinnacle for me, as I had the pleasure of being part of the FS Reborn team demonstrating AI Lights Reborn Professional Edition (which was days away from being released). That was a very special feeling, and I will always treasure the memories of that weekend. I really hope to be able to do that again at some point. So, the moral of this short story is......get involved! Even if this just means speaking to the developers on the day, or meeting fellow members of the flight simulation community for the first time. Don't just wander around aimlessly (like I did in 2016 and 2017). The best part of the show is the people you meet (and the friendships that you make along the way). Getting to see new flight simulation software and hardware is just the icing on a very special cake
  11. Four years is a long time to wait to see my flightsim friends again, so I am hoping that you are all keen to return to RAF Cosford this year if the show is given the green light. It would also be nice to meet a few more AVSIM members at the same time. Oh, and I really do think that FS Labs need to reserve a place for Ray at their table, so that he can demonstrate his skills with the new 64bit Concorde
  12. What a generous offer this is. I have always wondered what the Milviz Boeing 737-200C would be like, so now is the time to find out!
  13. That addon.xml method has caused me numerous problems in the past (including ORBx products). Since then, I have steered well clear of it. All of my airport and scenery addons have been installed with the old scenery.cfg method.
  14. If it does go ahead, I wonder if they are thinking about a two day event, or reverting back to one day?
  15. How on Earth can anyone cope with a startup time of one hour?? I was a bit underwhelmed with my P3D loading times when I upgraded the boot/P3D drive from a 2TB 7200 rpm HDD to a 1TB NVMe M2, but it seems that 3 minutes is lightning fast compared to some of you. To be fair, I only have detailed scenery of Great Britain and the Netherlands (with very little elsewhere), but I have a total of 145 addon entries in my Scenery Library (277 with all of the base scenery), 242 AI plane models (plus countless repaints of most of them) in my Airplanes AI folder, and the entire contents of the Global AI Ship Traffic package active. Are we saying here that excessive P3D load times are because every single active aircraft and scenery package is checked and logged (they are certainly not all being loaded) before displaying the SCENARIO screen? If that is the case, then Dan must either be loading every single flight simulation addon package on the planet, or there is something wrong with his installation. One hour is ridiculously excessive by anyone's standards.
  16. I think that P3Dv4 takes maybe 3 minutes to load after I have first booted up the PC, but subsequent loads are quicker than that. This is with a 1TB NVMe M2 drive.
  17. I really hope that it stays at RAF Cosford. There is something very special about seeing those hangars again every time that I visit.
  18. ORBx have developers all over the place. I assume that this moderator was referring to a specific product.
  19. I am sticking with P3Dv4.5HF2 at the moment for the following reasons. Complete simulation of Great Britain, with customised versions of all airports and airfields. I can make subtle modifications to airports and scenery with Airport Design Editor. The modifications that I have made over the years have involved hundreds (and probably thousands) of hours of work. That means something to me. I am totally familiar with how everything works. I do not need to pay for a new simulator and addons. The PMDG 737NGX and 777LR/F are as enjoyable to fly now as they were on release day. There are aspects of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator that would annoy me.
  20. This is my current flight configuration in P3Dv4.5HF2, which I am enjoying a lot. All AI planes have been disabled to provide an obstacle free airspace and airport environment, and to reduce the number of large stutters during my flights. These flights are conducted at dawn or dusk because the ambience at those times is vastly superior to that in broad daylight (with REX4 Texture Direct installed). 1. Load the PMDG 737-600NGX from a base save configuration. 2. Select and load the required airport. 3. Set up a very basic pattern flightplan in the FMC. 4. Select EMPTY aircraft and TWO THIRDS fuel. 5. Start my very short (around 12 minutes) flight from the runway threshold. 6. Fly the pattern in Autopilot mode to allow maximum enjoyment of the ORBx TrueEarth scenery. 7. Disengage autopilot and autothrottle at 1000 feet for a manual landing. 8. Engage thrust reversers on touchdown. 9. Disengage thrust reversers at 75 knots and apply brakes. 10. Roll to a stop on the runway. 11. Repeat the above process for the next airport on my list (the list currently stands at 94 airports and airfields; 93 of those are in the UK).
  21. Does this work well in P3Dv4? Also, how good is it when compared to the RD Presets version? The fact that RD Presets failed to deliver v2 for P3D was a massive disappointment to me, so they are not exactly on my Christmas Card list.
  22. A new version of EGLC would be most welcome, considering that it now has a full length taxiway. That would instantly solve the problem of AI planes having to taxi up the runway whilst other planes are attempting to land.
  23. Have I missed something? I do not see any arguments here.
  24. I have the framerate set to Unlimited.
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