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Joe L

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Everything posted by Joe L

  1. You might consider a non abrasive post in the forums under "Talk to the management? Here's your chance..." (I am not saying your post here is incorrect) I posted there when I had an issue with a new order I couldn't download - at least got some other folks involved. In my case I requested service via the official storefront service, only to be told to contact aerosoft USA, not them, only to be told by Aerosoft USA I had to use the storefront service. It all got fixed pretty quick... I was also told "will make sure you get another product for free to compensate for the mishap" - that hasn't happened, but, it was resolved in just 48 hours over a weekend. Good Luck. Joe
  2. Did you move or rename the files in post #13 of the thread? I moved those to a "holding" folder, but also had to move out D8.bgl and E8.bgl andthat seemed to work for me. Joe
  3. Wondering if anyone has heard any news on Pacific Islands Simulations (aka PacSim)? Went to visit their forums for any news on SLC, and it seems the forums are down or just plain gone. The link to the forums is gone completely off the main page. I had a bookmark to the forums and all it says is Forum is now offline. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Main page and their store seem fine, and someone took the time to change it to remove and forum links, but, no messages as to why. Just wondering if anyone has and info. Hoping Graham et al. are fine, and SLC is on track . . . Joe
  4. Just bought and installed this aircraft in P3D. Would like to add that I agree that the brightness of the GTN could be much better. There was a similar issue in the Lear that was eventually fixed. There is a mask or something at work in the model or textures. Shining a light on the GTN - such as direct sunlight or FSLabs spotlights illustrates what is should look like, IMHO. Joe
  5. That is $40 AU, about $31 US according to the Flight Sim Store.
  6. Be interesting to see what happens. Competition is good, no doubt. However, looking at the RXP "unofficial" forum on Flight 1's forums it looks like Jean-Luc's last post was some years ago - makes me hesitant about support . . .
  7. I seemed to have gotten everything in-line by saving a default flight the Lear, then using that as my start up.
  8. I had the same issue. Not only were the tip tanks not feeding, but, if I tried to transfer fuel from the center tank then stopped the fuel would just slowly drain out of the center into nowhere (I know now how it should be done just as outlined above). I had to go to a different ad on and hit auxiliary pumps on then back to Lear to get it to work. Thanks to another member's tip I saved a flight with the Lear then use it for my Lear flights. You will be able to tell right after engine start because the tip tanks will start feeding immediately.
  9. Can anyone suggest a reason for the tip tanks not feeding to the wing tanks? Started a flight with fuel in wing tanks and tip tanks, nothing in center. Fuel warning came on and wing tanks got down to under 200#. Had jet pumps on, I was not using stand by pumps. I did turn those on as well after the fuel warning light came on, but that did not change anything. Thanks for any help.
  10. Anchorage to several Hawaiian airports are seasonal real world flights. Have done several of those. Straight line great circle routing is only about 120 nm greater than from KLAX.
  11. Thank you for sharing this !
  12. Just bought the aircraft, I feel the GTN is too dark during the day as well (in FSX). I have already adjusted the brightness with the F1GTN.ini file and still find it too dark when cockpit is not with the sun at my back. Several other AC developers have the gauge integrated into the VC without issue. (Carenado, RealAir, MilViz) Interestingly, toying with FSLabs FSLSpotlights as a daytime light on the GTN is giving some improvement but will need to tinker with that a bit. Joe
  13. I don't own the bird, but, can you edit out the co-pilot side in the panel.cfg? That would leave it off permanently though, if it worked . . . Just a thought.
  14. Interesting, because the email I received from Carenado says: New Version (2.0) - P3Dv3 and Steam compatible - Weather radar added - XPDR different modes added - 2D detachable autopilot - G1000 improvements - 3D knob technology improved. - Exterior lighting effects improved - Performance improved by turning VC screen off when 2D window pops up - New sounds - Minor bugs fixed Add to that that several of the screen shots show a wing mounted RADAR pod . . . Don't own that version, contemplating it, though.
  15. Looking forward to hearing your reports !
  16. The Wilco Falcon 7x appears tp be released. Not expecting a lot, but, maybe someone will bite and report back surprising news . . .
  17. Nice to see them working on it. I hope they will look the dev will look at KSMF soon after . . .
  18. Back to the Legacy - I see no mention of cowl flaps, but, using the default cowl flap controls results in a CHT change under otherwise steady conditions. Force of habit has me checking my default controls climbing and then reaching cruise . . . Is this just a sim limitation?
  19. Not "blaming you" for anything, merely bringing up a question as a consumer. You deal with SWReg - fine, but, for the record I just bought the aircraft from SimMarket, who has my country of origin on record, etc, for 8% less than through SWReg (my price was the advertised 34.95 euro at the stated exchange rate). I was trying to support you as a developer by buying direct through your site, but I don't feel I should have to pay SWReg extra ($$ to them) to do so. Thanks,
  20. Beg to differ, but, the only button, option, or choice I have upon check out is PayPal, and it changes the stated price.
  21. I am wondering why the RealAir site advertises the price at 34.95 Euro, but, when I try to check out I get either $41.99 USD, or if I try to check out in Euro the price changes to 37.42 Euro ($41.67 USD by PayPal rates). I am only given an option of Paypal Checkout by SWREG.
  22. I watched the first video in the post above - is the blowing snow "wind dependent"? The takeoff roll appears to be done with a tail wind based on the blowing snow. That could indeed be the case, but wonder if PrecipitFX takes wind into account.
  23. I noticed on many videos use of strobes when crossing any runway - just curious if anyone can share policies / procedures they have seen. Thx
  24. Hi Bert, I love the mod overall. The brightness tweak adds just that extra touch of blending into the back screen for me.
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