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Everything posted by DavidP

  1. Hi Bert, Thanks for your reply and again coming to the rescue 🙂 I still don't see a \sys folder in the path to the newest Trainer. I am currently and will install 6.21 so it fits in with the manual and see how it goes. How do you create the env vars and where do they go? The manual is not clear at all on this.
  2. Hi Jean-Luc & Friends, I am running the P3Dv5 GTN with the latest Garmin Trainer installed via the last update installer. I also run the Elite Sim and use it for my work as an Instructor. In the Elite, I have installed the GTN plug-in. Unfortunately this plug in uses quite an old version of the GTN Trainer. As expected, the Trainer installers won't allow a dual installation. I have been studying page 22 of the latest installed User Guide on this topic, and have come to a brick wall. In the section "Installing Multiple Garmin Trainers", item 2, I cannot find any such path ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\GTN Trainer\GTN\sys\") in my Trainer installation - I have installed the Trainer in its default location. Also, in section 4, where to I find "the following 2 environment variables in Windows"? name = GTNSIMPATH value = the path to the 'sim' folder you have chosen above name = GTNAPPDATA value = the path to the 'data' folder you have chosen above Any insight would be appreciated. David
  3. That's your right and power to you. I on the other hand I would prefer the other - slightly inferior aesthetics but high fidelity aircraft and avionics that perform as close as possible to reality. May be one day soon we will get both.
  4. That may be so, but I think that the terrain in P3D is good enough for use with fully functioning and capable aircraft such as PMDG, FSL and Maddog etc.
  5. Cool video. Love to know how you make videos like that.
  6. I often wonder the same thing. I think there may be some FMGS software updates or something. Other than that, they are wing tip fairings...
  7. Then you've exercised your right as a consumer. PMDG decide their pricing policy and no amount of complaining here at AVSIM will change that.
  8. Have you configured it correctly? - see page 5 of the User's Guide
  9. Come on, unless you are in the inner circle at PMDG that is pure, unfounded speculation. There is no way of knowing what goes on behind the scenes there and what they needed from the SDK.
  10. I love the conspiracy theorists. Seriously, people like PMDG, FSL etc. are businesses. Do you really think that if they had what they needed to tap into the market now, they would hold back and not take advantage of a new revenue stream? Too many people commenting are letting their prejudices get the better of them 🙄
  11. The PMDG forums may be a better place to ask, or even better, submit a support ticket via their web site.
  12. And I said that where? Don't put words in my mouth.
  13. Gamers out number simmers. How many gamers would know or care whether a GTN, GNS or any other piece of advanced avionics is properly modelled?
  14. This is what ruins MSFS for me - voting for needed things. It perpetuates the idea of being an arcade game rather than a sim. If things are important, why must ASOBO rely on voter feedback to implement or fix something?
  15. Is the GTN the most up to date version? An expired database should not affect the autopilot.
  16. I might be wrong here but I think the Trainer is meant to be installed in its default location.
  17. Did you reinstall from the Flight1 wrapper? This sounds like it might be a licensing issue.
  18. It's just the usual PMDG bashing that goes on at each release.
  19. They are updating the VC this year as a separate update. They have been quite clear about that.
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