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Everything posted by kiwikat

  1. It is a nice plane but it kills FPS. The MD-11 does far better on my machine. In many ways the MD-11 is one of the best addons ever made.
  2. The Bird Dog is a pretty nice little plane. The flight model doesn't touch the A2A Cub's though. Everything else is good.Honestly if you're really happy with the Cub, I'd skip the Bird Dog. The Cub is just THAT good.
  3. I'll probably do my favorite route- KORD to KSAN (after a tutorial flight, of course)The approach into San Diego rwy 27 is always fun! :(
  4. I've seen them fly...Having support from a company alone doesn't make a good flight model. Good flight modelers and experienced beta testers make a good flight model. Someone from PMDG should certainly understand that considering your flight models are among the best. The MD-11 and J41 are more than outstanding. :( The Kodiak has a strong following at SOH because the developer is the highest-posting member there. MANY planes that are popular on SOH aren't popular anywhere else. (Not bashing SOH... I actually like it more than any other FS forum around)
  5. Avoid the CS 757 like the plague. Tons of things wrong with it and the FPS are awful. The flight model is about as bad as an airliner flight model can get.I'd avoid the 727 too. The flight model feels quite wrong and there's plenty of small things wrong with it too. There are countless threads explaining the errors if you're interested.CS should stick with less-detailed but pretty aircraft, like the C-130 and their upcoming B-52 package. They don't put enough effort into making their planes accurate and easy on FPS. You CAN make a complex (and pretty) aircraft good on FPS...Any PMDG aircraft and the Level-D 767 destroy the CS aircraft handily, IMHO. :(
  6. I know there are people who have modded the cfg file to give it wheels. However it still won't have them in the external model.The Aerosoft Beaver is still a very nice addon, despite its age. If you really want a 2D panel with it, just use the default's 2D with it. However bush flying is really boring in 2D...
  7. Between these, I'd have to say the PC-12. The flight model is far superior to the Kodiak's. However if it were between the PC-12 and Lionheart's Epic LT, then I'd probably go with the LT.
  8. It ISN'T for FSX.It is just another FS9 portover. It has only been out 3 and a half years now... a bit behind the curve, eh? :(I'll stick with PMDG. At least they make real FSX planes. :(
  9. Once you go PMDG, you won't go back to CS... The MD-11 is easily the best airliner available for FSX.
  10. Mind games, lol. It's just good publicity. The team is probably getting a kick out of the responses too. I sure am! :(I really hope this thing will give FPS like the MD-11. The J41 hits my computer a little harder than I'd like.
  11. And why does he have to stay under 300 knots? Sounds like a trollish statement to me... :(If you limit yourself to Cessnas in FSX you'll be missing out on a whole lot of really nice aircraft.
  12. kiwikat


    Brian...You're going to compare Half Life 2 to a flight simulator? Do you have any idea how many copies of HL2 they have sold? The market sizes you are talking about aren't even close to being comparable. Sure, if PMDG had a market of 50,000,000+ people worldwide they could get by on donations.Why should you pay for them? One, because legally you have to. Two, to support the hobby. Three, to put food on the developers' tables. Some developers do this as a full time job. No sales money = no income. Essentially no sales = unemployed. I'm sure many of us have been in that situation in the last couple years.
  13. kiwikat


    Ding ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!You could get a Thinkpad for 2/3 the price and it would have better specs and build quality. :( <<<<<< Not a Mac a really excited user
  14. Sigh, I got excited there for a while too.Maddog team all you've got to do is make her native FSX and you will have MANY more customers... myself included.
  15. I've tried different tweaks but I keep going back to my "old" nickn settings. They just seem to work best with my hardware/software/payware setup. It is good to see others benefiting though! :(
  16. Not even close. Sorry. The J41 VC is in a whole different league.That being said, the Islander is a very well-rounded package. I'm glad I picked it up, and I'd easily recommend it to anyone who likes the subject material.
  17. If you're patient I might be able to check it out in the next few days. I've got to do a final project for a class, but after that I'd be free to do a paint.
  18. That'd be cool, as well as a turbo version. I may just make mods for a turbo version myself, like I did with the Saratoga.
  19. Oh cool there is a fix coming for this. Yesterday I did the tutorial flight again to refresh my J41 skills some and I noticed the same thing. I always thought it was an AA problem, but I guess not. If it were AA, I would think 8xQ would be high enough to fix it.I look forward to the patch!
  20. It is on sale now, so what does it really matter?If anyone lets that stop them from buying this absolutely incredible addon, they are just plain stupid. It is EASILY the best military aircraft made for the FS series.
  21. That will be really cool once the PMDG NGX is out. Too bad I don't have one of those giant iPods.
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