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Everything posted by DickB

  1. I did look at VoxATC, but I found it too complicated for the sort of flying I do (low level VFR) and too rigid (you have to follow a script pretty much exactly). MCE allows you a lot more flexibility in your phrasing. On the other hand, I'm told the VoxATC system is more accurate than FSX ATC or RC, especially if you fly airliners. So it may depend on what/how you fly as to which one you choose. MCE certainly offers a demo, and their support is second to none.
  2. Check out MultiCrew Experience. It lets you talk to FSX ATC or Radar Contact. Plus a whole lot more !!
  3. Suggest you ask this question over at the UTX/GEX support forums. GEX support forum is here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/ground-environment-x-series_forum38&SID=3214206b9zdbfz2a781ae7f3zcfc94086226852.html
  4. I have the GEX 'fix' active and have never seen a problem. But it's (very) well explained on the GEX support site at Simforums and easily disabled if necessary. As I understand it, the tradeoff is better overall performance versus the occasional anomaly which many never see. I certainly wouldn't let it put me off GEX.
  5. Plus of course it allows you to talk directly to FSX ATC from any aircraft :smile:
  6. Agree pretty much with everything above. I run UTX EU, GEX EU and FSGenesis, and they run great together. I did find UTX roads gave me a noticeable hit in places, so I disable all of them - the GEX scenery looks much better without them anyway. And I find I can still fly VFR based on land and water features. I also found the UTX EU night lighting too bright, so I disable that too (unlike UTX US, you only have an on/off option in UTX EU). The FSX/GEX night lighting on its own is more realistic IMO. And I also believe that GEX gives me better framerates.
  7. May not be directly relevant, but there's a thread here which may be of interest: http://www.simforums.com/forums/solved-layer-of-clouds-that-wont-go-away_topic42894.html
  8. I use FEX (mentioned briefly above). That's a payware texture package, like REX. Personally I think the FEX clouds are better than REX, but that's a personal thing. And you can mix and match these products e.g. use REX for water, FEX for sky, and ASE for weather. +1 for FSWC too.
  9. Wow - as an ex (very ex) surfing dude, how could I not want these ? Except they'll probably turn up on inland lakes too . . . To OP - Sorry again - not trying to hijack this thread ! Off now to play my Beach Boys platters.
  10. He is. I'm back under my stone. Sorry for muddying the water chaps. I'd still like to fix those on shore waves tho. Maybe I'll open a new topic,
  11. I may be wrong, but I'm guessing what Jazz69 is referring to is not the general wave animation out in open water, but the waves breaking on the shoreline, which do exactly what he describes. They've been annoying me for years too ! But as far as I know they are not generated or affected by packages such as FEX (which I have) or REX, but come from base FSX ?
  12. Problem I have is there are too many bright white buildings for UK - more appropriate for southern Europe or elsewhere perhaps. But I understand that these buildings are used all over, so changing them will change them everywhere. But then again I only (mainly) fly in UK, so I'd be happy with a "UK Autogen" package if someone felt inclined to develop one !
  13. I'd certainly like to see improved autogen buildings. They are generally much to light and bright, especially for this part of the world (UK). And I would pay for such an enhancement. But it would be no small job.
  14. I had exactly the same dawning moment a while back, though I don't often fly into un-towered strips. We need to remember this is a simulation, not the RW, If FSX ATC isn't going to do anything in response to your input, there seems to me little value in MCE recognising it. Others may disagree !
  15. I found GEX (latest version EU) actually improved my FPS. As others have said, UTX roads and traffic have a major hit, so I have them all disabled. Sim looks better, and FPS are fine. SceneryTech mesh.
  16. Here is the GF46 thread. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/340230-go-flight-gf-46/ Not a MCE problem, and it's a shame, because I preferred the operation of the GF module. But I got fed up with firing up FSX/MCE/Shade etc etc, then loading a flight, only to find that W7 suddenly didn't recognise the GF46 and have to start over. Once it was there it was there (for me - I know others had it drop out mid flight), but it was just too unreliable. The Saitek works fine.
  17. Sure does. I have used both the GF46 and the Saitek Radio Module, and they both work fine with MCE. I switched from the GF46 to Saitek because I had trouble with the GF46 'dropping out' (not being recognised by W7). There is a thread about that on here somewhere.
  18. I'd drop them an email to remind them. I don't think all the records of existing subscribers made it across. If you didn't get the demands from MZV Direkt I'd guess they don't know about you. They didn't know about my subscription until I stuck my hand up.
  19. I like their notion of 'affordable'. I must look down the back of the sofa and see if I can find the odd $5-6K. Not to mention a super-computer to run it all on. Nice stuiff though.
  20. Thanks Francois - that's a very frank and candid statement. Clearly this whole mess is as painful and frustrating for you as it is for us. I hope you get it sorted PDQ and get underway with the CP relaunch and distribution.
  21. Welcome to the club ! Now we need to teach you the secret handshake B)
  22. Thanks guys. I checked out the links and the subscription situation appears to be an absolute shambles. But I see there is now a way to subscribe on the CP website using credit cards or PayPal. What bothers me about all the bills from MZV Direkt is that it wouldn't surprise me if I've been flagged on some credit database as a late/non payer.
  23. Has anyone else been getting invoices/demands from MDV Direkt in Dusseldorf ? I think they have been appointed publishers or distribution agents for the 'new' Computer Pilot magazine, but they don't have a clue. I got the first 'invoice' from them back in April. I think it was supposed to be an invitation to take out a subscription, but it sure didn't look like that. Then I got another one in June, much the same, but with a 'reminder' fee added to it. Today I received a hardcopy version with an additional 'dunning fee' added. Huh ? So they're adding late payment charges to a subscription for a product I've yet to receive ????? All of these invoices/demands are meaningless to me. They have a bunch of bank/account numbers which may work in Germany/Austria, but have no meaning in UK. My bank tells me I can transfer money to them,but it will cost me 10 GBP per transfer. For a bill of 38 Euros ? Yeah right. They say they accept Visa etc, but don't say how. I'd really like to subscribe to Computer Pilot if/when it resurfaces, but not this way. Anyone else having this problem ?
  24. Absolutely agree with WR269. Any issues with this product, email the developers direct. That's the way they prefer to provide support, and they are very responsive.They will work with you to resolve any issues you have.
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