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Juliett Alfa Romeo

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Everything posted by Juliett Alfa Romeo

  1. I, in this version of Prepar3D, have pretty much everything I need, from scenery and airports to the most complex of airplanes, and therefore don't need new releases (I would like, out of curiosity, to see the Concorde from FSLabs although I think it is too complex for me). Who knows, maybe for me version 5 will be the last of Prepar3D, not because I won't use the platform anymore but because the new features of 6 may break the ecosystem I have today and that I already know won't be supported. But the truth is that I am very well with version 5.3 and I don't feel any need to change version, platform or even stop using it. I know I can (everyone can) use MSFS simultaneously with P3D but... it honestly doesn't grab my attention. And then I read things like a... guy out there (I don't know who he is and it doesn't matter) claiming that "he's ready to delete a.... 1TB HDD? full of addons because he won't use P3D anymore" and I thought to myself "I can't do that, it was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of euros over the years... I just can't delete that. I can't afford that, money is hard to come by". And then there are addons that I have a lot of affection for: Busselton and Friday Harbor, FSLabs, AI Lights Reborn from Symbol, AI Traffic (I've never had it as good and complete as it is now)... even NGXu which I recognize is excellent even though it comes from an arrogant company that treats its customers very badly. I even have Aerosoft word not allowed... You can't give all that up because of a few rays of sunshine and some sceneries downloaded from the cloud WHERE REALLY THIS DATA IS AVAILABLE. I'm sorry, but I can't do it (and who cares? I do). I only ask one thing: since the companies don't care about P3D anymore at least leave the activation services on so that I and many others can continue to install our "ugly, old, outdated" addons as legitimately as ever. Finally, excuse my English. I use translator (as if it wasn't obvious...).
  2. If I knew what I know today I would have bought the 737 from iFly and the numbers would be even worse.
  3. Vou sequestrar este tópico mas visto ter só dois posts e estar "morto" há tanto tempo também não interessa criar outro sobre o mesmo tema. Como diz o Pedro os settings gráficos fazem milagres. Nunca na vida pensei poder rodar o P3D em cenários como LEMD da LatinVFR com 30 FPS e sobretudo sem OOM (crash pelo elevado consumo de VRAM, no meu caso 8GB). E no caso da versão 5 do Prepar3D, onde alegadamente um settings Médio (Medium) equivale a um Alto (High) na versão 4 a verdade é que os cenários não ficam visualmente tão comprometidos assim: Mas o que me levou a participar no tópico (e daí o "sequestro") é que obviamente o meu hardware vai ficando cada vez mais para atrás e é preciso renovar: -será que os Ryzen estão à altura para lidar com o P3D/MSFS/XP? -será que um processador de nova geração (logo mais poderoso) não ficará mal aproveitado se juntar uma... tristemente antiga (por mais poderosa que tenha sido na sua época e que mesmo hoje em dia ainda dê luta) Nvidia 1070? -será por isso mesmo que é melhor comprar tudo de uma vez? -Ryzen 9 ou i9 serão escolhas "normais" ou na verdade demasiado exageradas para simuladores de voo?
  4. Uma coisa é certa: acho, para mim ao menos, que a versão 5.x do Prepar3D vai ser a ultima que vou comprar. Se a 6 vier com novo motor gráfico SUPONHO que tudo o que existe em termos de addons fique incompatível. E não estou a ver uma OrbX actualizar tudo prejudicando assim a plataforma para onde eles querem que toda a gente mude. Mesma coisa, ui, a PMDG. O meu maior receio é que as activações online deixem de funcionar um dia.
  5. The problem with XP is (personal taste...) that yellowish "tint" in the graphics. PS: sorry for OT.
  6. LOL, só agora vi isto 😲 Muito obrigado Luis. Vou ler o documento e quem sabe me aventurar na criação de cenários em vez de estar à espera que outros os criem por mim...
  7. É isso, qual dos três simuladores estão a usar e porquê. Eu continuo fiel ao Prepar3D pela imensa quantidade de addons colecionada ao longo de muitos anos. De momento não tenho intenção de... nem sequer digo "mudar" porque isso na verdade não é necessário (tu podes perfeitamente usar vários "ao mesmo tempo") mas na verdade de deixar de usar o P3D.
  8. OK, but I should mention that my AILRP.exe is version 1.13.2...
  9. Hello 😀 Same problem here, version 1.36.0 with Windows Defender. PS: Will an exception in WD solve the problem?
  10. Speaking of which, is Intel still the best alternative for P3D or is AMD already worth it?
  11. @Dominique_K You have a system similar to mine. How does MSFS run these days? I didn't like it very much at the time of the Beta. PS: sorry for offtopic.
  12. Oh God... PS: Nothing against what you wrote but rather against what people are saying, that MSFS is a simulator. It's not... may be one day...
  13. These planes (this one and the one that came out for MSFS) need something like Accusim. They seem lifeless, you don't see a vibration, nothing.
  14. So, Madeira and Porto Santo from AeroMSFSSoft: Inside P3D folder: Ecosystem---->MadeiraXEvolution---->scenery, texture and LPMAConfig.exe ----->Porto SantoXEvolution---->scenery and texture folders. Effects----> effects files and a Texture folder. Scenery----> World-----> Scenery: two AFCD files: AFX_LPMA_ALT.bgl and AFX_LPPS_ALT.bgl How do I install this using the addon.xml method? I have doubts especially regarding the scenery/world/scenery folders. Thank you 🙂 PS: Porto Santo addon.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on"> <AddOn.Name>PortoSantoXEvolution</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>Porto Santo Scenery from MSFSSoft</AddOn.Description> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Texture</Category> <Path>C:\Addons Prepar3D\Cenarios\LPPS - PortoSantoXEvolution\Texture</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Effects</Category> <Path>C:\Addons Prepar3D\Cenarios\LPPS - PortoSantoXEvolution\Effects</Path> </AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Component> <AddOn.Name>LPPS - PortoSantoXEvolution</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>Porto Santo Island from MSFSSoft</AddOn.Description> <Category>Scenery</Category> <Path>C:\Addons Prepar3D\Cenarios\LPPS - PortoSantoXEvolution\Scenery</Path> <Name>LPPS - Porto Santo X</Name> <Layer>999</Layer> </AddOn.Component> </SimBase.Document> What about AFX_LPPS_ALT.bgl in Scenery/World/Scenery?
  15. Yeah, I saw that on simMarket too...
  16. I wish there was a possibility to pay the creator directly!
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