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Juliett Alfa Romeo

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Everything posted by Juliett Alfa Romeo

  1. This is what I have and I would like to know if it is as efficient/correct as possible. I have a 100FPSs (120 with overclock) G-Sync monitor and I limit my Prepar3D to 35 (which I don't know if it would be the correct value in my case). Nvidia Control Panel is Default except for the 100 FPS option. The "Global/General" Tab in Nvidia Profile Inspector: The Prepar3D Tab: Do you think it is a good idea to open a thread in the GPU subforum about this subject?
  2. I only discovered this channel now. Wonderful! Obviously I had to subscribe.
  3. 12GB is very interesting but does the card handle 2K and/or 4K well?
  4. OrbX Global OrbX OpenLC Europe Stock terrain mesh
  5. I will follow "Twitchers", Youtubers and such... that's it for now. I thought a lot these days if I buy MSFS but in the end I decided to bet on the "safe side"* and continue with P3D. * Historical weather, the entire 737NGXu fleet, FSLabs... the huge scenery library I have...
  6. I'd like to see it, but how do I get there? Do I put the coordinates in some P3D menu?
  7. It is not necessary to disconnect the Windows Defender, but to create file and folder exclusions. p3d.exe and the Prepar3D folder itself should be excluded. Same thing everything to do with OrbX.
  8. I didn't know that Flight1's BN2 works on V5. I might install it because of nostalgia, it was a great addon.
  9. I am part of the "small crowd", so... Anyway, OK; let's move on...
  10. But am I now forced to use MSFS because you want me to? I think this software is good news, but calm down...
  11. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm sorry...
  12. As I have mentioned on other occasions, if v6 breaks compatibility for me is not worth it and I will continue with v5 despite all its problems. More than a photorealistic scenery, what I want is a better lighting system and better integration with weather engines. At the moment, as I bought new hardware, I haven't installed P3D yet and I'm analyzing the pros and cons between one and "the other" (yes, I admit to using "the other one simulator even though it also has its problems...).
  13. Where and how I spend my money is my business. And yes, for me certain gents and companies are banned forever!
  14. Historical weather is a must for me. MSFS doesn't have that...
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