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Juliett Alfa Romeo

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Everything posted by Juliett Alfa Romeo

  1. If I wanted to use MSFS, I would use it. There was no need for someone to come here and do (even more) advertising. I tested it, saw the Pros and Cons, and decided to stick with what I had (Prepar3D) and explained why at the time. Why do some people get bothered by our choices? There's a certain user (I won't mention names) who seems like they won't rest until there's no more Prepar3D user left. Gentlemen, it's possible to have both installed at the same time! Instead of coming here and saying that 'Prepar3D is dead', you should be flying in the wonderful world of MSFS. That's what I would do...
  2. Those who migrated or have stopped using P3D no longer come back.
  3. V6 exists. V6 is not going to be revolutionary.
  4. Wich June 2022 installer? last setup file from simMarket is version 1.30.
  5. Besides all that @okupton said, in Prepar3d I would also like to have better ambient lighting and, something no one says, better antialiasing.
  6. I believe that developers are not returning to Prepar3D. Even those who are still on P3D will move to MSFS.
  7. This is the main problem concerning v6: support.
  8. On my user area: Version 1.025 full Q400 Download edition only installer for the Prepar3D V5.x and V6.x flight simulators Wow... If the MJC Q400 works then maybe EVERYTHING works. Edit: VISUAL EXTENSION PACKAGE FOR THE MJC8Q400 updated too.
  9. I am in shock and speechless. Whenever I could I watched his videos and broadcasts on Twitch. I miss him already... RIP.
  10. For gamers even "no weather" is enough.
  11. Really? what about the rest of OrbX catalog (like FTX Global)? @Kalnon Edit: Here says "compatible with v5"
  12. Historical Weather (yes, due to ASP3D). A319 and A320s from FSLabs. NGXu from PMDG. Q400 from Majestic. A2As Planes. Dozens of sceneries.
  13. Frankly, I'd rather some MSFS users stay where they are (we definitely are different targets/publics). As for the developers, it's their choice... as I will have my options by continuing on the platform or who knows the day I switch to MSFS... it's just that, for me, certain developers have simply died.
  14. @rennman I recommend that you use ENVTEX textures.
  15. I believe what this addon needs is configuration sharing or settings profiles. There are so many options that a person doesn't know what to do, especially when it comes to EnvShade settings.
  16. If you don't like the term "cartoonish", I would say "clean/pristine" and "artificial" instead.
  17. cartoonish /kɑːˈtuːnɪʃ/ adjective characteristic of or resembling a cartoon, especially in being unrealistically simplified and involving humorous exaggeration. "colourful, cartoonish prints"
  18. If I ever switch to MSFS I will keep in mind everything that is happening in Prepar3D. I won't forget!
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