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Everything posted by btwilks

  1. One way to contact Graham that might work is through VATSIM - either private message or via the following thread in the VATSIM forums.http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?t=30992&highlightI don't have any e-mail address for him but, assuming you're a member of VATSIM, one of those other methods should do the trick.RegardsBrian Wilks
  2. Yes, it works perfectly OK with FSX (which is the system I use). It's mentioned in the FAQ's (although admittedly it's tucked away somewhat).CheersBrian
  3. Actually, there is a very handy utility that will update the FSX database. I've used it myself and can now fly SIDs and STARs that have waypoints/fixes that weren't in the original FSX databse. Here's the link - might be worth checking it out, as it could well solve your problem of FSX rejecting your flight plans..http://www.btinternet.com/~gb.mitch/index.htmlRegardsBrian Wilks
  4. Good Morning Martin.A common cause of zero WoAI traffic relates to the format of the files (FSX v FS9). Some time ago there was an excellent thread on this with some detailed explanations by David 'Opa' Marshall. Have a look at it and see if it might explain what's happening with your AI traffic.Hope it solves things for you.http://forum.avsim.net/topic/295208-world-of-ai/page__p__1824022__hl__woai__fromsearch__1#entry1824022Brian Wilks
  5. JamesThe following link will give you archived details of all flights from Heathrow & Gatwick (I assume your reference to T5 is to Heathrow); the details are normally updated up to a few days ago. From this, you should be able to find any BA flight you want and it will give you details such as the terminal and stand from which it it left.http://www.lhr-lgw.co.uk/Hope it's of interest.Brian Wilks
  6. Hello EricI've just posted this reply to the same enquiry you made in the FSX Forum."It seems that when WOAI packages 'go missing' it is normally because of withdrawal of permission by authors of the packages. When this occurs, WOAI strongly requests that the packages not be distributed by individuals who have already downloaded them, as this makes it more difficult to negotiate new arrangements. It's a topic that crops up every so often and Opa's comments in the last thread state the position very succinctly.http://forum.avsim.net/topic/255852-world-of-ai-missing-files-charles-dayhuff/All the best, Brian"
  7. Hello EricIt seems that when WOAI packages 'go missing' it is normally because of withdrawal of permission by authors of the packages. When this occurs, WOAI strongly requests that the packages not be distributed by individuals who have already downloaded them, as this makes it more difficult to negotiate new arrangements. It's a topic that crops up every so often and Opa's comments in the last thread state the position very succinctly.http://forum.avsim.net/topic/255852-world-of-ai-missing-files-charles-dayhuff/All the best, Brian.
  8. btwilks

    David Roch

    Thank you for posting that Jean-Paul, even though it's such dreadfully sad news. There is little comfort any of us can offer for David, and any healing process from grief such as he must be feeling will be for him and his family to bring about. However, if he does find time to briefly check on these forums, I'd like to be one of many to assure him that his loss does resonate in our community and that he and his family are in our thoughts.Brian Wilks
  9. Oh Lordy - I can't believe I missed that; I've been reading AVSIM's forums (fora?) for years now and you'd have thought that by now I'd have got the set-up clear in my mind - many thanks Opa!Maybe my not being able to see what's at the bottom of the page also explains why I seem to have so much difficulty locating that runway that is just a bit further down from the horizon?
  10. Are my eyes deceiving me, or has one of the sub-categories within the above MS FSX Forum disappeared?I'm sure there was at least one additional sub-category (if I remember correctly, it was a general category regarding MS FSX). At the moment, all I am seeing are 'Tips & Tricks', 'Multiplayer', 'All About us', 'Crash to Desk' and 'Archive' - all of which have few, or no, recent posts.Please reassure me that I'm not imagining this and that we have lost (hopefully only temporarily) one of the sub-categories. Alternatively, if I am imagining it, can anyone recommend a good doctor?ThanksBrian
  11. Interesting Wikipedia article - the things you can learn on a flight simulation forums board!
  12. It looks as if Don Brown's predictions (regarding the effects of the loss of 'institutional memory') in this article - just one of an excellent series "Say Again" he produced for AVWeb over 6 years or so - are now, rather sadly, starting to come true.http://www.avweb.com/news/sayagain/193881-1.htmlIncidentally, Don's whole series of articles gives a superb insight into ATC in the USA. His articles have a heavy technical punch but are also readable and entertaining to a general public. I've read them all and really can't recommend them too much.Brian Wilks
  13. I also like it!If I thought it was mocking that incident or any of the individuals involved on that day, I would be outraged.But I don't see it as poking fun at Sully or any of the other flight crew; I see it as a humorous tribute to the skills of all the crew, who faced an extremely daunting prospect as they headed for the landing on water.Brian Wilks
  14. Yes, thanks for the pics - not many people get to see sights on that route.
  15. I like it! Spot the man who always flies planes that have two engines! LOL
  16. And don't forget the GPS database can be updated to a considerable extent using the download on the following site.http://www.btinternet.com/~gb.mitch/index.htmlThis has been recommended on a number of sim forums as a solution to the now severely out-of-date database in the FSX GPS.CheersBrian
  17. Just a quick +1 from me, too. I like it!Brian
  18. BobI don't believe we've ever exchanged comments on AVSIM before, but I do recall your previous posts about your encounter with the enemy called cancer.However, I just want to wish you well (and success) in your latest battle and hope that all turns out well for you and your family. You'll be in my thoughts.Regards,Brian
  19. As someone who is an infrequent poster, but is an extremely frequent (several times a day - I know, sad doesn't even begin to cover it!) reader of these forums, I'd just like to add a quick twopennyworth to this thread.Firstly, I have absolutely no idea what initiated the OP's comments that things were somehow going wrong with the AVSIM forums. These forums (and a couple of others, FlightSim and VatSim) have for a number of years been to me a superb source of advice, anecdotes and just good old general fun. I sometimes notice fluctuations in the overall tone and content of these forums but at no stage has anything seemed to me to be seriously amiss in any of them.Secondly, like all forums, things have occasionally got out of hand on AVSIM (and I know that a lot of this doesn't appear publicly because of the invisible work 'in the background' that the moderators do) and sometimes they're more out of hand than at other times. However, these occasions are infrequent and, speaking personally, I'm glad that AVSIM has a team of moderators that can act to stop or remove these distractions from the business in hand.I've never seen anyone's contributions or opinions, however passionate or intense they might be, challenged by moderators when they've been made in a polite and respectful manner - and in line with AVSIM's terms and conditions which everyone agrees to abide by when registering on the forums. The main causes of moderator intervention that I've seen in the last few years have been when individuals have become personally abusive or have included in their posts racist language or language that is derogatory to a specific religion - and also the occasional developers who have had to be reminded about the fine line between using the forums to contribute to public discussions about their products as opposed to using them simply to advertise their products.The restraint shown by the moderators when they do intervene (probably at just about the time they're tearing their hair out at having to deal with yet another individual who seems incapable of following the relatively simple rules of conduct of the forums) is, in my opinion, admirable.David is clearly a civilised chap who requires little other than a similarly civilised approach from contributors to the forums. Geoff seems slightly rougher round the edges (and I mean that in a good way!) and is prepared to try to knock some sense into the occasional unreformable miscreant.Both of them have occasionally made calls with which I've personally disagreed - but why would I let that be a cause for public complaint when, like almost everyone else, I'm not prepared to get into their shoes and volunteer to be a moderator myself?Overall, I support anyone (moderators, contributors and readers) whose ideal is that the AVSIM forums should be (1) a source of information, entertainment and good humour for anyone with a genuine interest in flight simulation (2) a place where civilised, good and even passionate behaviour is the norm and bad or yobbish behaviour is not tolerated. I guess I would simply not understand the mindset of anyone who didn't have this an ideal.Well, that's a big twopennyworth, but I thought it potentially worthwhile to have an opinion from someone who isn't (and doesn't get) embroiled in what have seemingly become controversial issues here on AVSIM. Maybe there are many more, like me, who are simply silently grateful that the forums are being run in the way they are?
  20. Hi GPThese are a couple of sites that asometimes give me a few good ideas for flightshttp://www.fsdestinations.com/http://www.simtours.net/tours.phpHope they'll be of interest to you.RegardsBrian
  21. Hi SebastianThere's a lot of Matt Fox's work available on FlightSim.com, including US sectional and terminal area maps. I haven't checked them in detail but they might well be what you're looking for.Go tohttp://www.flightsim.com/file.php?cm=SEARCHand search for 'Matt Fox' - it'll throw up a whole heap of stuff for you.RegardsBrian
  22. PatrickThere's one right here in the AVSIM libraries that might interest you.http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Search...d&Go=SearchCheersBrian
  23. It seems as if everyone experiences problems with the FSX logbook from time to time - the topic certainly crops up in the forums quite often. There were some interesting replies the last time it arose in the AVSIM forums.Have a look athttp://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtop...;hl=fsx+logbookHope this helps you.All the bestBrian
  24. From the very same source that completely falsely accused Tom of soliciting donations - and suggested he was doing so to line his own pockets! You couldn't make this stuff up!Well they ain't getting a cent from me!
  25. Dear DavidIt's good to see you back and I hope things go well for your son. It's the doctors who will be able to do the most for him, the rest of us can only offer prayers and best wishes - you and your family have mine.RegardsBrian Wilks
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