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  1. I don’t know the official answer to this, but I’ve created two “parameters.xml” files, one for 2020 and one for 2024 and then use the one you need before you start the simulator. This has been working good for me.
  2. Same timeline for me, just checked now and it’s showing in Jersey. I figured it’d update once it got to the US. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow it’ll be delivered.
  3. It’s 36$ per product I’m assuming. I got the mcdu and 737 FMC, paid 72$ for shipping.
  4. It would be very nice if they fixed the TCAS range scaling. Hopefully that will be included in the changelog. Looking forward to the update.
  5. Hopefully price won’t be too steep. The latest video looks great though!
  6. “All changes apply to both 2024 and 2020 versions of the aircraft unless otherwise mentioned. Loads of tasty changes within, some highlights: 1 - 4x SimRate is now supported (experimentally)” This was the only thing missing for me with the FENIX, and I’m super excited about it!
  7. I’m probably in the minority but if they include the time jump feature that they had in P3D, as well as the ability to do 4-8x sim rate, I’m probably buying it. That’s the only thing missing for me from the FENIX. The FENIX is definitely my most used addon, but honestly feel limited to doing shorter flights unfortunately. But like I said, I know I’m in the minority.
  8. Very exciting! Hoping they can eventually find time to make 4x simrate possible, especially now that we’ll have access to a plane that commonly does transcons.
  9. Mobiflight discord should have instructions.
  10. Nothing unrealistic about that, centers are divided usually into 6-7 different areas, and within each area there are 5-8 sectors. So although I don’t use MSFS ATC, based on what you’re saying, it doesn’t seem too unusual to get frequent frequency changes within the same center, especially on the east coast.
  11. I understand that some people find some of his videos controversial, and that’s fine. Like you said, do what pleases you, and I have no issues with people being critical of his videos or his perceived personality. None of us are perfect, and that’s completely fine. I just think it’s very petty to start questioning how he finds time to make videos. Having said that, we all have our own opinions, and we don’t always have to agree with each other. Agree with him or not, he’s dedicating a lot of time to put out videos, some more informational than others, and some more controversial than others, but at the end, doing what he does is not an easy task and i can respect the amount of effort he puts into his videos. And me personally, have learned a lot from his videos. Of course, we can all disagree with each other, I just felt the need to voice my opinion, as useless as it might be.
  12. Seriously though, so what? People get bothered by the most trivial things. Let him release as many videos as he can, he manages his time however he sees fit, and I for one am just very appreciative of all the educational videos he releases. Whether you like him or disagree with his style, or whatever, a lot of people find his content enjoyable. I’ve learned a lot from some of his videos, and I couldn’t care less how he finds time to do it.
  13. Fully agree, I have no idea why every time FSDT announces an update here, people just start complaining about one thing after the other. I think criticism should always be allowed and encouraged, but I thought it was only me noticing this particular behavior around FSDT. I commend Umberto and the entire team at FSDT for the improvements they keep making with GSX, and the way they respond and address issues people are having without seemingly taking anything personal. Thanks for the update Umberto!
  14. This truly is a shame, but I can’t complain too much, the fact that you’ve been doing this for free is such a huge gift to the flight sim community.
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