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Everything posted by CaptainNick

  1. Easy for a 737 pilot? I guess??? Depends on how deep you were into the “study level” 737’s. At the end of the day it’s an airliner doing airliner ops so that part sure. The FMS and ap have its own logic. Plane is way more analog in all aspects than the NG. Demands a bit more from the pilot in actual flying it.
  2. And all signs point to the Rotate being less than stellar, with a less than stellar track record to begin with.....users of the maddog in prior sims will vouch that it is an amazing product and I doubt Leonardo will release it in shoddy shape. They make one thing....and they make one thing well. It was epic in p3d.... Hopefully FS2Crew has some setups coming for this and the 737 in the near future...
  3. You know what would be great? For PMDG to stop developing the 737 and throw everyone at the JS41 to bring it t0 p3dv4.5/ and 5 or even over here to us in MSFS? #sigh A manchild can dream......
  4. When you load the sim, you will get a little program running in the hidden icons area on the bottom right of Windows. You can open the TDS app and select which GTN you want to use with any plane loaded. This will give you a pop out exterior window for the gtn you can move to a second monitor etc.
  5. My thought exactly. Running at 4k myself, Obviously I am more GPU bound than anything since I wont pay 2 grand USD for a 700 usd video card. I think the massive amount of "3d cache" is what is lifting it up here in the 1% low's. We all know 4K is the great cpu leveler but that boost in 1% could totally be justifiable for me coming off the 5800x. I have too many other things going this year to budget a new cpu and new video card without the wifey yelling at me.....Tough call as im sure the rtx4 series should be just around the corner....
  6. the Ryzen's have never really been amazing overclockers. People are not rushing out to try and get an extra 1ghz out of them. That has been Intel's game for a while now. My 5800x sits all day in MSFS at 4.85ghz with zero manual overclocking. Most of the later Ryzen chips perform at higher than advertised clock speeds anyways.
  7. Im averaging probably 220ish in the low to mid 20's at close to 40gph with a full load of pax and say 90 gallons loaded. I find the 200-260 mile legs are perfect for it as that allows it enough time to climb that high and get a good amount of time in cruise. Been flying it out of KGWO alot as my boy Tveo has setup a ton of FBO's in that network (hundreds of green jobs there) in that distance range. It works fine for shorter hops too but I tend to do 1-1.5 hour legs in it. but thats personal preference for FSE.
  8. It’s a turbocharged, pressurized twin…the last thing she wants to do is be hanging out at 12,000 feet. Really wants to be in the flight levels. Depending on winds you are looking at 160ish kias at cruise power settings up there, which is what 220ish ground speed Works great in FSE, been flying her since day one of early access on there.
  9. Been running just fine using the normal method of setting my throttle and prop for climb, trimming the aircraft to maintain the desired speed then engage. You have to aviate yourself first....
  10. The level of hysteria by members in the community never fails to amaze. From the few videos I have watched, everything that 99% of us "hardcore" simmers need seem to be functioning just fine. Lack of EFB isn't the end of the world, especially since the FMC interface is still there. Id rather have the plane sans EFB while it is finalized then sit and wait longer when it is not actually needed to fly the plane. Could care less about "high detail" gear bays or cabins. I don't sim from the passenger cabin or from inside the main gear wells...
  11. What was interesting in the frenchie xplane 11 test was how similar across the board the amd chips were (in their series ie 2x, 3x, 5x) and the intel are similar but their is a gradient within each family based on core count. Xplane sorely needs a new architecture and hopefully that changes with 12 but I dont have high hopes for Austin's next deal. Been happilly rocking the 5800x since launch. I run at 4k though. Will hold off on this in favor of a new gpu when they hit/actually become available.
  12. What have I done in 600 days? Worked alot, took a couple of vacations, watched my daughter get married, played some video games. I certainly haven't crapped on MSFS enough though since the OP is upset about a video game. Its fun. All 3 major sims are video games at the end of the day.
  13. Just had this happen to me today as well. All quite weird. Wiped the logbook too which I am kinda sad about, as well as controller profiles etc. Quite odd. Going to finish this handicapped flight and do a restart maybe it will solve it
  14. I should rephrase that, the garmin charts come with the Garmin trainer, the Jepp charts come with Navigraph
  15. Those are separate displays you can use as your primary instrumentation in a real plane (if you are willing to pay of course lol). They have no bearing on the sim. The 414 is modeled with a traditional 6 pack of gauges with the HSI being able to be driven by the 750.
  16. the Garmin charts are part of the actual Garmin Navdata which is why they show up (at least in the USA) on the TDS one. You can link navigraph to the PMS one if you have a sub to pull up navigraph/jepp charts but I am unsure whether you can do that on the freebie one or not.
  17. Generally I use the Left one for my flight plan, and then I use the right side for charts, pulling up Atis etc on COM2 etc etc etc. Inputting a flight plan is very simple. Click the Home button on the right side of the bezel then Flight Plan. Input your flight plan there. Very intuitive, think IPAD/tablet/Smart phone like. For an approach, you can either click on the airport you want to select the approach for on that Flight Plan page and select load procedure, or from the Home Screen click on procedure key and then go from there. It is very intuitive. If you have ever used a tablet or mobile app on your phone it should be second nature. Alternatively you could hit youtube for GTN750 tutorials. But playing with it will let you learn all the crazy things it can do.
  18. Instead of freaking out on FSW, you could always RTFM or the patch notes for the releases. It actually explains the mixture levers quite clearly.
  19. Not a bad buy for $20 bucks. Its a cool quirky plane. I wish some of the textures and modeling were better but thats only because we are spoiled in MSFS now but at $20 bucks its a fun diversion. I know this is going to sound sacrilegious but I do wish we had the option for a single GPS of any kind. Whether it was a 530 or 430 or 750NXI just to be able to use it in certain spots. Kinda like the Goose did with the pop up panel holding it. No Autopilot though as Its a real joy to hand fly.
  20. Initial thoughts: Price is cheap Textures were ok. Nothing special. A few spots that look decidedly previous sim. Exterior sounds: Great. Cockpit engine sounds: not a big fan. Missing the throatyness of the exterior engine sound even with the windows open. A bunch of neat little features like the helper dudes and ladders, the start sequence etc. Hand flys very well. I'm happy with it. Will need to learn the engines. Probably wont get a whole lot of time in it but I tend to buy most things that come out anyways. Plus the price is right.
  21. Yes the Navdata is different. The TDS uses the RW garmin database (although a bit behind the latest...you can always update it if you own a real world GTN and subscription) where the PMS uses the sim database or Navigraph if you have it installed. What airport etc were you at? I have not had an issue with the TDS capturing an ILS.
  22. Top 5 currently: FSW 414AW (In fact the last 30 hours of sim time have been in this, and will be until the Maddog and NGuXABCDEFG whatever they call it are out) Hype H145 SWS Kodiak JF Turbo Arrow 3 PMDG DC6 I hop in other stuff from time to time but these 5 still get all my MSFS time.
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