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Everything posted by charleslee201

  1. just use FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library and point to p3d ( old news )
  2. Hi I'm using the FMC on a second screen, no lag at all, fps seems a little better ....
  3. working here: just make sure to start your flight in a small window for the red line not to show
  4. got a couple of those too i think its DLL related or fsuipc
  5. Getting a MUCH stable overclocking with HT on up to 4.8 mhz, temp max 80 a little bit higher then HT off HT off stable max 4.5 :rolleyes:
  6. woooo Rob got a little carried away .... :rolleyes:
  7. Hi i have the same hardware, and AF15, Crystal clear , no blurries , loadradios max
  8. Thanks for this , don't know y LM didn't go this way ???
  9. I made a 3 LEDS Cap 6DOF, cap visor mounting with ir leds from a old remote, power by 3 AA batteries mounted on the back of the cap freetrack model , best of all has for the pmdg view try this in your 800 aircraft.cfg [Views] eyepoint = 45.950, -1.25, 4.85 900 [Views] eyepoint = 50.250, -1.25, 4.85
  10. Im very appy, never was able to fix the gps530 syntax anyway ...
  11. regedit find and delete all 9527A496-5DF9-412A-ADC7-168BA5379CA6
  12. reinstalled and pop up windows still there I can fly with ATC no problem juste annoying, its still the N1 add on on my side ...
  13. yes I did try that but , now i can see my flight plan in the top right corner of the control panel, but a pop up windows is asking is this the flight plan that I want to use , non stop , reinstalling ...
  14. Hi MCI keeps asking me where is my flight plan located and even after providing the path to p3d flight plan folder its says ????to????
  15. H i, im getting failed to locate voxkey command profile on start up got it p3d profile had to be reload
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