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Everything posted by Pugilist2

  1. Sim Heaven really makes XPL12 shine! Great set of shots.
  2. I did not see the tag that said it was P3D 4.5. Thought it was MSFS. Thanks!
  3. Always enjoys the freighters. Nice set!
  4. Great shots of the Bonanza! I thought it was Carenado, not A2A?
  5. Excellent shot of the Concorde!
  6. Amazing work! Can't wait to take it for a flight.
  7. Great looking set! I agree that livery was very cool.
  8. Great set with some beautiful southwestern scenery!
  9. No, but plan on getting it when it comes to the Marketplace. I used to live in Flagstaff and have been at the airport many times. It appears to be very accurate by the photos.
  10. Excellent set! Always liked the old Alaska livery.
  11. 1. Better cloud variations with a slider bar to adjust the cloud sharpness/resolution separately from the rest of the game. I find that if you turn up the sharpness using the Nvidia game filter or Reshade it makes the clouds appear grainy. 2. Fly by camera view and the ability to extend the spot plane view further out. 3. A force feedback option for those that have controllers that support it.
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