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Everything posted by RTK1972

  1. Maybe they should first try to make the 330 flyable. Thinking back to the P3D version this plane was a mess.....
  2. Not sure if this is of any relevance but the responsible Product Manager for the A330, Mathijs Kok, leaves Aersoft https://fselite.net/content/mathijs-kok-to-leave-aerosoft/ Wonder what the impact on the product will be...
  3. hopefully.. Would be totally fine for me to pay for an upgrade. They gave us so much for free...
  4. Miss you too Dave ! Fingers crossed that they have l the necessary spare parts…
  5. so tried it. No luck. Sim crashes on startup screen......
  6. No crashes or freezes ? Happen quite often to me with reshape. Will give it smother try and report back 👍🏻
  7. There you go. Curious about it and thanks for the update
  8. You should try Büble…….. for me the best beside Bayreuther…
  9. i lost my traffic with FSLTL too. Sitting at LSZH. during approach this morning i had traffic, now after restarting the sim it got lost......
  10. -So to summarize, Bijan is not back and the update is something not done by him from early november !?
  11. I did all of this but it still …….well, not disappears but it offers my a buy option for MsFS…. No clue about this
  12. Hello fellows, dont know what happend, but since yesterday inam not longer able to find msfs2020 in my store and cant launch it anymore or reinstall. has this happend to someone of you before ? thank you, Carsten
  13. just jumping in here with the same problem. It seems for me to be that it relates to the latest Beta that was released for MSFS2020... Every flight turns out into a stutter show after some time in the air.. I can start et EDDF with 40fps and land at freeware ENGM with only 12...
  14. i don'T think so. Will give it a try Can you help me where to find the Shader Cache please ?
  15. Are you using DX12 or 12 because with DX12 MSFS crashes everytime for me
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