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Everything posted by Pivot

  1. Yeah the mouse works fine and all worked in the default Baron. They have an FAQ near the end of the manual that makes mention of the requirements for the mixture. Looks like it's going to be a button mapping technique unfortunately. I am still trying to utilize FSUIPC even going as far as setting stepped actions but so far no joy and FSUIPC doesn't have the BkSq key command yet. Maybe an update will bring it forth. Again, having it set as a general Mixture Axis works, it just doesn't move the handles. No worries though.
  2. Anyone know how to get the Mixture Axis to work with FSUIPC on this one? I have tried various options as listed in the manual but the handles do not move. I did notice that the regular mixture axis (for my other twins) worked but the handles do not move. Took her out for a short hop and when I got her packed I pulled the mixture axis all the way to cut-off and both engines shut down as normal. Just rather weird I can't get those handles to move. By the way, she fly's like an eagle, very nice..
  3. Just an FYI for those looking at purchasing this upgrade; NOTE: This product is an INTERIOR AND SYSTEMS OVERHAUL ONLY that makes use of the default MSFS Baron exterior visual model and requires the DELUXE or PREMIUM DELUXE version of MSFS to be installed. I jumping in on it right now too.. Thanks for the heads up CW. πŸ€ πŸ‘
  4. Having been doing X-Plane for years now, I equate every version as a perpetual BETA until they move to a new version. Do they stop updating or attempting to cure issues? Not till they move on to something new. Don't buy it before they advertise a new version. Take XP-11, when it started it had its share of issues but it you bought it today you'd think, hmm not bad.. Too many people expect Gold from Aluminum Foil. If you bought it let it happen. It should get somewhere close to your expectations during its course. If not, suck it up, it's your fault for spending money on something you didn't like. I can't count how many programs I've bought, over the years, that got shelved within weeks. I sure as heck didn't blame the maker, it was my fault for buying it.
  5. It really makes one wonder why so many people buy into a BETA process, then hate every minute of it. If you are too impatient to wait for a final release (which I'm sure would have tons of videos to view before hitting the "Buy Now" button) you should just enjoy what you have until so.. It's not a bad simulator by any stretch of the word and I've said it on many occasions, all software and sims alike, have their pluses and minuses. Just enjoy it, it's not real anyway! πŸ€ πŸ‘
  6. Or even floating grey sponges.. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  7. Same here as well. Also, from this point forward i would only hear my responses and none of the ATC controllers (had to leave the ATC window open to know they were talking to me after it happened). Weird!!
  8. Most of my issues have long since been cured for the TIR, other than, my frame on my glasses, but it's really minimal anyway.
  9. I've used TrackIR now (5) for years and have good luck with it. Only real issues, I have, is with other light sources getting picked up by the camera, which also affected the other versions. I have been keeping an eye on a new item on the market which looks promising. Track Hat Sensor V2 which no longer needs hats or other things stuck to your head 🀣 Other than a rather long waiting period, per people who have ordered, it may be the next best investment for the future. I personally will wait until the newness gets over with before jumping in and testing. I don't care to wait that long to receive a product and the TIR5 is fine until that day comes. Keep an eye out for this one, may be a keeper one day. πŸ€ πŸ‘
  10. Does this happen going to one destination or any? If one, try a plan b and go somewhere else, may be that airport.
  11. I will throw in the A2A Simulations upcoming Comanche. They've been top notch for Study Sim's for a very long time..
  12. Technically I don't think so, but I do anyway just to be sure I get all the new files.
  13. 🀣🀣🀣 that's the most accurate statement ever made.. Had to be there to appreciate it.
  14. 🀣🀣🀣 I think you swallowed a Cessna...
  15. nothing yet though their forum link points to this forum so we shall see.
  16. I just received the new update which included the XP12 installer. Unfortunately, and as other have posted, for some reason XP12 doesn't allow creation of the Panel_Preview thus I can't get the integration in 3D though the 2D panels work.
  17. Glad to here the TBM update is in the works. I've been holding my breath on this one so long now, I'm a Smurf.. πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά You all ROCK Goran..
  18. The funny thing about how so many people keep bashing XP is, they all HAD the ability to install a fully operational "Battle Station", oops wrong analogy, couldn't help myself, simulator (Demo) prior to purchasing. I for one, own, or have owned, 90% of all simulators back to the early 90's. I enjoy(ed) all of them, each of which had their high and low points which never entered into the equation (it's a hobby). XP will keep evolving as will EVERYTHING else. Enjoy it, if you don't like it shelf it just don't blame it or anyone else for you spending money on it. Oh yeah, one other thing, I don't remember any XP version stoping with a .0 after release. This is only to give the add-on developers something to work with without the target movements during a beta phase. Good luck to those guys and LR with the release and enjoy what you have. Like a fine Wine, it only gets better with age. πŸ˜‰
  19. I just checked the Updated Milviz/BB 310 and the systems.cfg did not include those parameters. I did, however, have a Default VS Climb rate that showed a value of "=0" and Commented out //Previously =700. I reset this to "700" and will give it a try, since it did the Level off the minute of engagement when I was trimmed for an 800' climb rate.
  20. If this works, you deserve some compensation from MS and the rest of the Dev's who never figured that one out.. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  21. Hasn't worked for me either in 11 or 12.. Never has, never will. "IMO" something they code in keeps NCP from putting the AA hooks in it.
  22. Mine must be Bass Ackwards then, every time I update, mine changes from Full Screen to Windowed... 😲 Sorry double-post
  23. Mine must be Bass Ackwards then, every time I update, mine changes from Full Screen to Windowed... 😲
  24. Well all I can add is Houston wasn't lit up like this (streets & ground clutter) before this latest update and I didn't opt into the beta for this update. It has been a while since I've flown though.
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