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Everything posted by yorgosGK

  1. Simulations and games are very much different in their purposes. While a simulation is designed for evaluative or computational purposes, a game is designed for entertainment and educational purposes. While accuracy is the upshot of simulations, clarity is the upshot of games here also..... http://www.edutopia.org/sims-vs-games
  2. The default planes your probably right....But let me tell u...the popular payware addons.........Bang on Source - I'm a RW Pilot.
  3. hahaha!! It was a heck of a deal....and actually his DX9 Sim is working like a champ so its all good :lol:
  4. I was having the same issue and what really helped me is kind of unorthodox. When I installed P3D v2 I did what I shouldn't of done but I was very frustrated (lol) I went and uninstalled EVERYTHING to do with FSX on my computer....When I went from P3Dv2 back to FSX I re installed it....only THEN i saw my 30FPS STEADY....before with the exact same hardware and setup and cfg I wasn't getting it.....I installed every addon too.......... I'm not saying re installing everything will work but it did for me.....I'm getting a steady 30 in Windowed mode and I can tell a huge difference. PS!.....I would like to add something.... After buying my GTX780 I sold my 7950 to my best friend (who is also a flight simmer) So he went a head and in flew in DX10 mode with the fixer and the tears and spikes came back JUST like i was getting.... I told him the whole story of how this thread helped on analyzing the water slider and DX Fixer settings to have a few hours of tear free flight but he had to revert back to DX9 cuz its very frustrating knowing sooner or later they will appear. So that shows us on a whole different system with the same card they appeared too.
  5. Ya Im with Cvearl on the DX10 Fixer and GTX780....Non comparable to my 7950-70 days. My GTX 780 with half refresh in NI and locked 30 frames in FSX, DX10 fixer set to 8xSGAA and 4xSpars grid in NI is locking 30FPS just about anywhere with everything high.....even the hefty addons....Not to mention smooth as heck. (I have an i7 3930k @ 4.7ghz) also a little off topic fun because of how happy I am with DX10 and the GTX780****because I just purchased P3Dv2 5 days ago and after my install...I gave it about 24 hrs before I was back on FSX....It was horrifying. I bought the migrator tool and FSUIPC4 and I was getting ready to switch my platform but Im back to where I started and I saved my DL of P3Dv2 and will go back maybe PMDG Gets that new EULA and Aerosoft gets the AirbusX to 1.16 etc etc..... If anyone would like my NI/Fixer screenshots and my .cfg msg! Boy, from when I started this topic we have come a long way....very helpful! You guys all rock.
  6. I bought V2 two days ago (& FSUIPC 4 and the Migrator tool)......I uninstalled it....it was a horrifying experience unless u don't fly online and love default fighter jets (lolll) I installed REX and FTX Global and I guess everything looked really good except the water... WATER is HORRIFYING.....Im back on FSX now almost only because of that reason.....Im keeping my license in tact along with the DL folder and waiting till this thing becomes popular and has some standards to it...along with the PMDG EULA tweek and Aerosoft 1.16.....
  7. Sorry if a topic already exists like this, I couldn't locate one.... What I'm looking to do is restore EVERY file to do with textures.....after GEX, FTX Global, REX, UTX tests I am not 100% sure I executed the uninstall process properly on each addon..... I think i have congested my FSX and Im loosing FPS.....I would like to restore all original texture files properly and install my selected addons based on my tests CLEAN.... Will the repair function actually do this...sometimes I hear yes sometime I hear no...I kind of scared to do it...Am i jeopardizing anything?
  8. i tested this....my results where any flight over 5 hours I would get spikes on final :( my clouds where set to 512x512 as well ......
  9. Hello all! SkyGreece Virtual has launched. The RW SkyGreece Airlines will start flying early in 2014 making it the official airline of Greece. A few days ago the real airline posted our video on their official Facebook page. Video 1 Video 2 We have now started to hire pilots! Join today! Some of the cool things we offer... - Customized kACARS - Professional re-paints for all major addons - Pilot e-mail (name@skygreeceva.com) - Dedicated Teamspeak server - Fast HTML5 VA website with mobile support - Professional graphics & Marketing - Real world aviation employees deploying the realist possible fleets & routes Our website
  10. Something tells me a lot of the major things will work......and from now on any future major release will be friendly with v2 because so many people are ready for the upgrade switch! Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  11. Im wondering about the flytampa scenerys the most because they already even have DX10 issues......i wonder now in DX 11 whats going to happen! Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  12. Hello all! I just saw the news on Avsim that P3D v2 will be out THIS MONTH! () With DX11 engine in place what are we looking at for compatibility of major addons? Im talking about the PMDGs, Flytampas, Aerosofts (scenery and airbus x), GEX's, REX's, ORBX etc.... Will we be seeing updates and patches or should we see backwards compatibility with P3D v2? Also I like flying with FSinn online and I was also wondering about that. Im excited for this! will buy right away!
  13. I must admit this card is a BEAST......Also don't forget there's a newer version of Steves DX 10 fixer. Just re download it from the flight sim store. I will be posting settings and options soon. Bionor please post yours as well!
  14. Well.....I got so frustraded I gave up and I think its safe to say I fixed my spikes and tearing issues....popping'er in as you read this! lol Will report back
  15. Tesselation set to app controlled in ccc has giving be a LONG time even with high 2x waters in gebraltor area....but after about 5-6 touch and goes in athens after a full hour in gibralter they came back....i set my TBM down to the lowest possible....10! i find it eliminates blurries also and gives me more time now before they appear again Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  16. Well....they came back...Its safe to say 2 hours in to every flight they come. Its funny becuase when I set my TBM to 120 they came RIGHT away (before t/o) when I put it to 80 I have 2 hours.....I am going to trying playing with this tweak and maybe start introducing some unorthodox numbers.....
  17. You know what Guys I would like to apologize I didn't copy the FSX.cfg perfectly. I added a TBM of 120 (got spikes almost instantly)...the latest attempt Mr.Moe posted was 80 and I didn't change that value on my cfg file when I did his test. Currently over pacific from Melbourne (witch had Orbx scenery). Stress testing this so Im going direct Toronto (about 18 hr flight with a almost empty 772 and let'er rip over night and see where it takes me in the morning and when I get back from work! If I dont get the tears and spikes on this stress test flight I will stay with DX10 for now. I mean you gotta love the performance upgrade this gives us, this is why I want to nail this and stay in DX10. Will notify all!
  18. Well.....It didnt hold with your cfg and your options. I was in Sydney with Orbx AU and RIGHT away it came back.....Its just crazy because I get no lag and my cpu and GPU are not even being stressed what so ever....i almost have a steady 30fps even in INSANE areas with rex, gex, utx etc.....this is just a driver thing I think..... Im going to try commenting out some things in the cfg and see what happens :(
  19. I will be testing this! Can you give some radeon pro settings or the fixes settings options as well? I would love to test oit exactly what u have. If u dont use radeon pro then i will test again without it. Maybe its time for some final final tests by me! Im excited ive been dx9 now for passed 3-4 weeks! Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  20. Glad to hear ur news! Will be doing the same thing around christmas time enjoy! We have been through a lot lol Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  21. Well performance wise nothing..... Users and I have noticed we have a lot more time without tearing and spikes when these are unchecked....
  22. U will probably get more tearing and spikes....make sure your water is set to low 2x so they dont appear fast.....also in the fix uncheck water shader and uncheck cloud shader if you wanna be doing any flying in DX10 with the fix and an ATI card....users and I say these option/settings get you the most out of DX10 with an ATi card... If you run it fine with your card with DX10 and the fix please let us know in the thread I pasted before above....would help us troubleshoot after you provide us with you settings/addons and tweaks etc.... good luck!
  23. Im on Windows 7 with a 7950 using Radeon bro....I gave up on this...I think its something to do with DX10 and ATI cards SPECIFICALLY with FSX and the fix. I started a whole thread here with my main problem http://forum.avsim.net/topic/422802-serious-issue-with-ati-and-steves-dx10-fix-tears-and-spikes-everywhere/ I do remember this exact issue you're having happen to me as well....Im back on DX9 now until I get a 780 because they have just came down in price. Not saying your problem is the ATI card but for some reason based on my troubleshoots and years on FSX ATI just hates FSX in DX10 (in general) especially with the fix....Not to mention try adding SweetFX I will follow this post and try to solve it as well....
  24. yup! :rolleyes: Read your manuals.....a lot of people do not read the docs every addon coms with....they do a great job....or a good quality youtube video....Im almost 100% sure this is whats happening here.
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