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Everything posted by yorgosGK

  1. The moment you cant wait to land to try a new tweak in your sim. Will report!
  2. Anyone getting this much tiling effect with their FTX Global? It is all up to date...I see this a lot. Picture was taken over northern Italy however it is virtually everywhere in Europe and N.A. For $100 it really annoys me....Maybe I should re-install? The order of which I installed was as follows.... GLobal>Vector>FS Global2010 (FTX) One day however I do recall doing some tests and un-checking the ORBX Base scenery layers in my scenery library.....But then I checked it back on...Maybe this was what messed it up? Anybody else?
  3. Sweet. Good to hear. Hope this means closer to a P3Dv2 agreement as well.
  4. Ya....got it! confirmed, that micro stutter just won't go away.....I got a little better capping my frames at 30 and 1/2 refresh rate with the FFT tweak to a remarkable 0.05.....made it better for me
  5. I would lock FSX to 30 FPS and enable V-sync to 1/2 Refresh Rate (if your monitor is 60hz) in NI. This is what works best for me and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Its very smooth!
  6. Ya....I always go to another window and when going back to P3Dv2.2 I get a stutter and a bounce. Everything else at least works great. I will keep trying to fix this.... You get anywhere yet tamsini?
  7. Hello old friend! I've tried Bioshockmode as well....I get AA issues...worst then DX10 and FSX lol.... and prepared.cfg is me referring to FSX.cfg.....the p3dv2.2 config file
  8. After about a month back on P3D v2.2 I am not certain that I have the "perfect" settings needed to make me %100 happy.....Here are my hardware & addons i7 3930k OC@ 4.3 GTX780 16GB 1600MHz RAM ASN, REX TD4, FTX GLOBAL+VECTOR, FSDT JFK/LAX/LSGG Few things I would like to discuss.... I really can't confirm if I am better off doing unlimited FPS or 30 with 1/2 refresh rate Inspector or Control Panel setup Affinity Mask settings manual, or prepared.cfg tweak Here is a still of my NI....would anybody do anything else to make a better performance? Of course turning down sliders would do this but I believe I am missing a tweak or settings that would make my P3D v2.2 a lot better. Or maybe forget NI and use the Control Panel of Nvidea (which I am seeing a lot more of online...) Here are some stills. I have also a Fibre Frame Time tweak of 0.15 applied (this helped quite a bit and got rid of some blurry issues) I would love for people to share their settings that worked out best for them. Keep in mind I am not really willing to compromise my graphics to get a better performance, of course I am aware that doing that would give me better frames. My hardware SHOULD give me good if not unreal performance since this is a new sim that came with many promises. At this point however, Id say it looks the same as FSX with just as good frames (if not worst at times).....I wouldn't give up my FSX just yet if this is all P3D v2.2 can give me...Am I doing something wrong?
  9. yes. same here.....like a static sound.....Only with the q4...... Any news on this guys?
  10. Out of the blue I have these errors appearing when I start my ASN. I have tried opening it after FSX and before. Also I have updated to latest version. I also have looked at permissions on each folder path possible. It seems as if it works perfectly fine but I'm getting these errors at start up. First this one: Then this one:
  11. Wow! You are very correct sir. I altered my drop box recently and to be honest I totally forgot about this post. I will fix it this evening EST time. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Back up your fsx.cfg delete it completely and let FSX regenerate a new one....this happened to me to one time in the past....dont forget to press no on key mapping prompt...
  13. Pleasure is all mine, I do whatever I can to help out fellow simmers just like I got helped out on here.... After reviewing your settings I would look at over clocking your CPU if you haven't already....I c you have a 2600k at 3.4 ghz......I recommend you get up to 4.4 - 4.6 (if you have a good after market motherboard).....This will give you a biggest difference possible at the moment.....You're about as good as you can be at the moment with your CFG and your settings. Good luck. If you get any more frames please report back and let us know.... Happy new years! its in 2 hrs :lol:
  14. Plz tell us what you did wrong and what you did to fix it to help others.
  15. I use the inspector along with the fixer.... Here are my settings....
  16. I bought REX4 textures 3 days ago.....I love it.....I also see a smoother impact on my frame rate and experience...Im guessing there encoding of files got better over their versions.... I love the UI and water....I use REX4 textures with ASN and I can say they go great together (not taking anything away from REX Weather) I would recommend this product to anyone.
  17. Waiting for it too! I realize now what everyone was talking about lol....Im getting it as well Merry christmas and hopefully we can get a fix asap after the holidays
  18. I just installed the hot fix...I have the fixer and fly DX10 I have the latest FSUIPC installed as wel... No problems updating though...good luck I will follow this topic and help as much as I can.
  19. thnx for sharing great videos.
  20. Yes. I got news. I'm from Toronto and one day on Carlingview by the airport I was at a 737 simulator and saw one of the Orxy guys friends. He said the Orxy project has completely fallen through and will not happen. The pre-buyers will not get their money back either. I was shocked and disappointed.... But I'm not worried.....CYYZ talk is pretty active on the FlyTampa site and we got a nice little flashy dot!
  21. If anything id say its growing...i thinm we still even have all the FS9 users still transitioning lolll Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
  22. Those are great stills.... Sorry to hear about the complaining forum members, thats horrible and it sounds like they ruined it for a lot of people. At least your smarter then that and have stuck with something rather then give up on it. Hope you're having a great time with Flight! Cheers.
  23. Am I maybe confusing games here? If I am sorry....I said I have never played it before.... http://www.techhive.com/article/247260/microsoft_to_give_microsoft_flight_away_for_free_.html All Im saying is.....You will never go to an actual simulator and see MS Flight installed....Im in Toronto and getting my PPLs and Ratings over the years I have never once sat behind a MS Flight computer....It was all FS9 and FSX for sim training. I did learn however that MS Flight is a little more serious then I thought. Thank you for sharing that with me.
  24. I have never played MS Flight and everyone is entitled to their opinion and I understand each of us want to back up our own platform. I just cannot settle on me FSX being a game lollll..... If I was playing a game this whole time i'd be single right now hahaha :lol: Everyone has a logical point here so why are we wasting time debating it......Lets help the topic starter get his answer
  25. Very very correct. Its called Microsoft Flight Simulator not Microsoft Flight Game. All the missions and scenarios that FSX has ARE or WHERE real world scenarios & emergencies....the flying through squares thing is for practice if you needed it....Im guessing you didn't click on "I am a real world pilot" when you first installed the SIM. I have never even played MS Flight but I don't even have to just by hearing info from ppl and knowing that its FREE.......I can't confirm but I HIGHLY doubt in MS Flight you will be able to pick up a real world chart and fly a SID or STAR with VOR Radials, DME's etc......That right there sums it all up.... Im done comparing MS Flight to FSX....Theres nothing to debate. MS Flight=Game FSX=Sim This is not in english but its a major news network in Greece having it on the news saying its not a game and being PRO simulator not game....Sorry you wont understand this but it gives you an idea at least of where it stands.
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