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Everything posted by yorgosGK

  1. It is not sim connect. The paths have changed for P3D v2.5. The traditional paths the LVL D 767 relies on are gone and the addon is broken. The dev (Paavo) on the Estonian migrate tools support page is on it and going to release an update to accommodate for these path changes. More can be found from my post near the bottom of this topic http://board.flightsim.ee/discussion/419/answered-p3d-v2-5-is-released#Item_24 I don't know if the Russian Migrate tool will be doing the same thing....I invested in the Estonian one.....I do like Russians a lot though, nothing personal! lolll
  2. In my opnion I don't listen to people who say they have everything maxed and get good frames....First off you won't be able to do a flight if you actually have 'everything maxed'. You would get an OOM probably on the load. As a 980 owner I have my optimized settings to allow me to do a flight with no OOMs whiling keeping it fairly graphically appealing. If you are using PMDG or Aerosoft's Airbus series with FTX global/vector/lcEU and Pilots' Global mesh along with REX you cannot even come close to having "Max everything" and having a good smooth flight. Do the 980 and P3D but don't expect anything absolutely insane when it comes to frames. You WILL however, have a GOOD sim....
  3. As an owner of Drzewiecki Design New York City X I don't even have one flight completed into or out of the NYC area....I can't fly with it active in my scenery library....I am on a pretty powerful system and FPS turns into SPF if you know what I mean.....Of course this is with global/vector and FSDT JFK and a good plane addon. All I have used it for are photo-ops lol....I am not taking anything away from the dev....I am sure a lot of man power went into it but the above is all MHO
  4. I got the same CTD on final in Dubai after a 6 hr flight with the PMDG777. I also overclock but I am definitely stable. It was in sync with a camera switch... I've gotten a CTD maybe twice my whole time flying 2.4. I guess only more flights for me will tell if it is in-fact something with the 777 in 2.4 or my system. Back to the cockpit for me. I will report if it happens again. :rolleyes:
  5. I have been waiting for 10 years to fly into my home airport with a good addon scenery. This is awesome. Hope surrounding skirts gets a touch-up as well!
  6. Hello, I just bought the 737-200 a couple days back but I am getting 'not responding' fatal errors that are in sync with button events. (It has happened on all 4 of my attempted flights now after reading the manual and docs provided) Can you tell me how to look at my version installed? I see you have an SP5 after I searched this. I am assuming your download links are the latest builds, but I just want to confirm that I do in fact have it. I am on P3D v2.4.
  7. Picked up the 732, Thanks Milviz
  8. Your supposed to sign your name in this forum like stated. Also, they do release cargo and passenger.....They have freighter versions of their planes....Not going to comment on your VIP idea lol
  9. I was thinking of buying the 732 just a couple days ago for p3d v2.x......Lets just say I am no longer thinking! Thanks for the sale
  10. Can't wait. I have been waiting to completely reformat my system, this is a great excuse to do that and get a nice clean 2.5 install!
  11. In my opinion its a waste of money...Hop on the Airbus series bandwagon from Aerosoft and just wait for the A330. It is currently being developed.
  12. I'm sure a mod from Orbx will see this soon. There is also another thread here that relates (I kind of glanced at this http://forum.avsim.net/topic/424656-i-really-really-need-some-help/) Try to also email them. Cheers
  13. Don't uninstall through Windows. Reevo is a great uninstall program/tool (that has a free version as well) that I use for ALL my uninstalling. This tool will use the complete default uninstall wizard along with several other steps to automatically detect any other files scattered on your system and (most importantly) delete any files in your registry associated with P3D (you should check off advanced uninstall in the U.I of Reevo when you selected the program you wish to uninstall) You will also need to restart your system after the uninstall. This tool for me in the passed has really helped with my clean uninstalls. You can also delete any addons with this. This is all in my opinion by the way! :excl: What I would delete first: - ORBX addons - Plane addons - Then P3D Restart then install P3D 2.4 (which to be honest 2.5 is expected soon so maybe you should wait? ) Cheers
  14. Just logged on so its definitely up.... You enter your order number in your signature for support.....the login and signup process should play no roll on whether your verified or not. Or.....maybe you did get banned a long time ago and forgot?
  15. Well the gauge should still display where you as far as the trim setting...no? Also try it with the 2D panel.
  16. Not in my opinion and testing, no. Only thing the 780 beats it in are CUDA cores (won't get into that because you said to keep it JUST FSX and FSX uses no CUDA cores) but it makes up for it with a high base clock. Which adds to the point that LAdamson said, by the card doing more with less (especially power) On my system and my opinion I confirmed a pretty hefty FPS increase when I upgraded to a 980 (I would also like to add that I'm a P3D user and not an FSX)
  17. Thanks Rob, after my tests I as well can confirm soft clouds have helped. NO repetitive tile effect to report on my sim either until getting high around FL290 and up
  18. As a user of the 780 for my simulator & my career, I too hopped on the 980 train and I must say I am very pleased. IMHO I actually go as far as calling it a night and day difference on my system. cheers.
  19. So I thought I would share my screenshots of the multiplier number and some REX cloud packs. I think it's safe to say that REX4 cloud sets didn't get developed for LM's hot fixed cloud.fx file. All of them have a tile effect happening. Now, that being said I wen't ahead and purchased their soft cloud pack a few days back (great price I might add) and since those have softened or 'feathered ' edges they look a lot less repetitive. The *0.7 tweak to the Multiplier in cloud.fx is making a huge difference for me. Its flyable.... These screens add to the other tests in this topic and displays the difference of packs vs multiplier settings. Thessaloniki area FL310 LGTS 060520Z 30005KT 4000 -DZ SCT006 OVC025 15/13 Q1023 NOSIG *0.7 Multiplier with REX 4 Cloud set 16 Default Multiplier with REX 4 Cloud set 16 *0.7 Multiplier with REX 4 Cloud set 16 Additional Screen *0.7 Multiplier with REX Soft Clouds set 1 *0.7 Multiplier with REX Soft Clouds set 7 *0.7 Multiplier with REX Soft Clouds set 16 All of these where taken with default Realism preset in ASN with the following P3D in-game settings So for me from here on out until a cloud solution from LM is set in stone I am sticking with *0.7 multiplier and a soft cloud set (probably set 16 for now)
  20. Rob, did you take out the entire line? or just the number? Can you share your exact entry?
  21. Not exactly. What I did was use default ASN settings and toggled the default weather themes to a preset and then for it to be controlled by ASN
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