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Everything posted by Pastaiolo

  1. If you call both simulators, i am pretty sure we are not comparing apples and oranges when someone is selling a 40 dollars aircraft which is barely simulated. And this is without even considering combat avionics and the "war" environment, don't you think?
  2. My 2 cents here as well, especially on something mentioned by others. I completely agree on the fact that in 2021 flight simulation and "scenery" simulation goes hand in hand. What we want is an immersive product, and while flight dynamics wise i think we can be quite satisfied, a part of the immersion comes from the plausibility of the world we get to fly in. Plausibility which is directly connected to a lot of simulation related decisions we, as virtual pilots, have to take. Take an example the need to avoid vertically developing clouds such as a cumulonimbus (hence avoiding icing and turbolence), watching how the wind is blowing over grass and trees to judge the direction of wind in preparation for landing in a small airfield or with a helicopter. Did you think about any of those situations, @GoranM ?
  3. Now we move to the same issue, the amount of people i see writing hanger instead of hangar 😛 And to remain in topic, in the last discovery series video Asobo mentioned that they will soon start working on turboprops and later on supersonic flight modelling as well.
  4. You guys need to chill 🙂 It's all work in progress and indeed they were working on it on FSX/P3D before, hence why the screenshots (which are old by the way, you just need to check the post date to see they are from 2018 and 2019). As for the new ones, they will show what they can show. The night shots were shown because they had just started implementing night lighting. Here is a video showing some external animations: https://fb.watch/3akvyDlLjL/ They announced they were bringing it in MSFS in early december,
  5. I really don't get why would i want to buy a fighter jet that doesn't fly like one, doesn't have a fully simulated avionics nor proper working weapons.. All of which at 33 euros. In a civilian simulator.
  6. Go back to FSX and enjoy the default Boeing then. Or Airbus. Let me know how that works for you. Or maybe i should just point out how foolish it is to compare an old simulator with third party fully developed addons to a work in progress one with a default plane being partially modified by a freeware community.
  7. FSX can't graphically be compared to MSFS, ever. That being said, they are both important but it depends on the situation. Filling up CPU use is not good, but neither is doing the same with ram.
  8. New version's out, fixing some of those spikes i believe
  9. Seems interesting, gonna try and fly near the mountains close to my city. But then again, what i had with the default data was enough for me
  10. Dual gpu configs are a thing of the past which have no real application anymore in videogames i think
  11. It's a free scenery, try it for yourself and see what's the performance is like 🙂 Generally speaking of course payware addons can give a better representation, but it's usually on details i am not super interested in. Especially considering how the amount of time i spend at the airport is a fraction of the whole flight. So i don't want to see how a fart is going to affect the flight dynamics of a mosquito landing on the face of a passenger sitting in terminal X waiting for my plane to arrive.
  12. Sta, did you check if there is snow reported on Meteoblue site? Even if there is, it might be the case that the real time weather is delayed, or that today there is the usual huge amount of people trying the sim again and the infrastructure is not keeping up. Might have more luck checking again in a few hours our days
  13. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/12/17/microsoft-flight-simulator-is-fastest-growing-entry-in-the-series-with-over-2-million-players-to-date/
  14. Have there been updates on this? Is it by now a simple install or people still need to toy with configs a bit? is there an official topic or discord for it?
  15. Not exactly. It only means that file is responsible for blurring it, or some of it. Water masks comes via streaming just like orthos. Once they are upgraded on the delivery servers, users will see them in game as well. They simply aren't ready. Also this is not just about Caribbean seas. Most seas have beautiful waters to show. I shoudn't have to mention the mediterranean countries but i kind of have to, too many people thinking those water masking are relevant only in atolls..
  16. We already had this recent topic, we didn't need a new one to talk about the same things. Can some mod merge it?
  17. Nothing new under the sun. Clickbait titles, preview pictures with girls and cleavage etc etc. Really nothing new on youtube, twitch, instagram and so on.
  18. Not according to just Sergio, since you showed what have been showed already 12 days ago..
  19. You are all focusing on little places but it's not just there that water masking would be relevant to the scenery. Most mediterranean countries for example would have decent waters to show as well but heh. For my country i could mention a lot of regions but let's take Sardinia as an example. Anyway, let's see in a few weeks if new water masks starts to show up.. they mentioned in the Q/A that they might do a map showing the places where water masking have been improved also.
  20. I don't see why. Been like this with thousands of games on Steam. Even if there is a temporary issue, nobody is forcing you to play the game right now. Go do something else until the issue which is not making you enjoy the game is fixed.
  21. Aye that's what happened. I used the integrity check weeks ago and it didn't do that however, it just redownloaded few files. Oh well 😞 Here starts the long download once again ahah
  22. Just did. Also i had the community folder cleared already. Well, guess what xD it deleted all the main MSFS files and it's downloading back 95gb... sigh. Let's see if i have a backup of an older version somewhere otherwise it will be a loooooooong few days
  23. Thanks, i don't use it! However after quite some time it loaded... except it loaded right into the main menu, no patch download? o_O something's fishy here
  24. I have MSFS on Steam. It downloaded the usual 200mb patch, then i started the game and.. that's where i still am at. With the full screen Mount Fuji and nothing else happening.
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