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Everything posted by Pastaiolo

  1. Can't you just change the time in game after having loaded the flight with live weather? That's why there is a drop down menu to load live weather and another to load live time.
  2. It's a month old sim (since release), it's a long way ahead. Nobody is taking away your old sim so feel free to stick to it and be happy.
  3. What did you set the last setting in the graphical page to? The one about cockpit screen refresh? Try it on medium.
  4. Pretty interesting things like the performance overlay and some sort of performance tuning based on the game profile it seems.
  5. The main issue, for the good and the bad of it, is that MSFS have been released recently, we barely got the first performance patch yesterday. There are lots of things to work on still. Besides that, i think that the community changes, while welcome, are still minor (obviously because they also got to work on it just recently). On XP11, instead, Zibo could take advantange of a pretty static environment in regard to the 737 it was aiming to improve. I think the normal course of events here is Asobo works on the planes for what they aim to work on them, then community comes in. Asobo are paid to work on it, a community driven project isn't. It might be focused on it now but it might stop later on for unrelated real life events, a paid developer (if it has a task for it) will be working on it nonstop (or at least based on their work schedule and priorities obviously).
  6. Yes, and then you'll get more to download. Check this topic
  7. Downloading, then i got this message. "DEBUG: $$: Something went wrong with the Download, see 458"
  8. I really like the second as well for the layout, the changelog roadmap and the frequent updates. There are photogrammetry scenaries in there from Tuscany, my region, so that keeps me even more interested 🙂
  9. I am also not that convinced to be honest. There are issues with current weather, yes. But those mostly seems to be either problems with the server or the fact that the rendered weather is 30 minutes-1 hour behind real time. If you check their comparison screenshots too, well, some are done at different angles, some are in the air and the other on the ground with buildings covering etc etc etc The dynamic themes is another thing i am not interested in, since i basically only use real weather per se.. Right now i don't think i am interested in weather related addons.
  10. Can you provide a screenshot? There is a thing called grain which helps in regaining some performance out of those heavy clouds, but i don't know if it's the thing you are talking about
  11. Yeah no sorry, that doesn't cover it at all. The water fix is a workaround, seen that in loads of .lua files around in numerous configs. It still looks awful. For the clouds the freeware project is a good thing but it's far from anything more developed and it will take a long time anyway. Lighting is not about filters and such, it's about how lighting illuminates things, how it goes across the sky and in between objects and especially clouds. These are all features which imho need to be fixed by those having full access to the sim: LR. And no, i don't want another endless discussion or insults on your part on it, i think that MS did a good job with both water, lighting and clouds and i expect the same (or something in the same direction considering the difference of budget) from LR.
  12. That's okay, everybody's different. I just want better water, lighting and clouds. Anything else scenery wise is fine by me. (okay, perhaps better trees too because those we have are pretty awful)
  13. Good. Now that Vulkan is getting behind us, i can wait for a proper update on what they are working on lighting and clouds wise. Or what XP12 should have.
  14. Because 60 fps have nothing to do with competitive gaming per se. The point is that a stutter free experience at 60 fps will ALWAYS be superior to a stutter free experience at 30 fps. And that is why people try to achieve 60 fps.
  15. Gonna check it out. I like their videos, they are usually quite detailed.
  16. I found the free pdf. And i can tell you guys, don't bother. It's a mix of really really basic things (update drivers, activate game mode in windows, make sure power saving is off for the gpu) pretty much everybody knows already. It also makes a comparison on certain sim graphical settings which are also not well done. For example it suggests to not go higher than 100 on object level of detail by providing two close up screenshots which obviously will look the same, since increasing the slider increases the amount of object visible in the distance (especially airport equipment) but in the screenshot the horizon is covered by a building.. The trees comparison setting also shows the same close up zone with trees. Too bad that the Trees setting mostly influences the texture quality of said trees and not their quantity, so a closer look at a single tree would have been much better for comparison. These are just few examples, but i think it gives an idea of how basic the free guide is. Of course i can't say about the payware over 100 pages long one.
  17. Wonky Ap, i can understand. The first flight i did on MSFS was with the 747 and in the climb it coudn't keep a normal climb speed, pitching too much then overcorrecting and so on. It appears that some planes are more far ahead in being developed than others (take the A320 for example)
  18. ATC clears you to the altitude you specified in the flight plan (the navlog before the flight). The 747-8 shoudn't be able to reach FL440. Besides that, you didn't specify what your payload was and how much fuel you had loaded
  19. I am still going to be careful about saying this but, it appears most of the stutters i was experiencing (especially the long ones) are gone.
  20. Steam file verification, at least for me, took 10 seconds at most. Now it's downloading 317 mb of stuff for me.
  21. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1250410/discussions/2/2949250308622350431/
  22. We don't know because there is no patch for steam yet
  23. Anyone with Steam have the update? How does it work for us?
  24. Did you guys read the video description? Because all the info you are talking about are in there ^^
  25. So it works only for those using the sim in windowed mode? I use it in full screen, and well, didn't notice any change i am afraid. I still want to believe there is something off with the sim and in the next patches it will be fixed.
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