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Everything posted by JasonW

  1. 358.50 I still had shimmering but it was nowhere like this driver. GTX780
  2. I am getting horrible shimmering with this driver. Never had to use NI because DSR always kept shimmering tolerable on my machine but this driver is worse.
  3. Im on the fence about buying this, how is it with just coastlines, roads and water turned on?
  4. are you enabling the migration tool before you start ut2?
  5. Your config file looks ok. Are you using the migration tool?
  6. post your sim objects cfg file
  7. Loving UT2. Good looking models and minimal impact on frames.
  8. C/LockheedMartin/P3dV3/redist/interface You will see these folders click them then retail/lib/SimConnectInstaller Id just install all 4 ESPv1 FSX-RTM FSX-SP1 FSX-SP2-XPACK
  9. Id read somewhere that they couldnt get a hold of the guy who programmed it. My thing is, I thought they were involved in the beta. I would have had the ball rolling before V3 was released to the public.
  10. I second DSR. I got the same results without the frame hit that comes with sgss
  11. Ive read a post from one of the LM guys that said they did a major overhaul on the lighting in V3 and it has created other problems, even default Bonanzas lights are screwed up (dont know how that got past the beta testers). Id sit tight at least until the first patch to see what happens.
  12. How well does that get along with default ATC? Will I hear them telling planes to get back on course over and over?
  13. Speaking of UT2.. If I import a schedule for example Alpha Indias summer 2015 SouthWest and load it into UT2, what happens to the Southwest schedule that was already in UT2? Do I need to disable the old southwest schedule somehow? Any help is appreciated.
  14. Thanks for this awesome package. Ive used this for a while but have ran into a few things with P3DV3 After applying the wake fix for p3d I have seen this one ship off the coast of San Francisco with wakes still going to the sky. Also does anyone else get something looking like this in V3? Its sort of like a shimmer look, I dont uses SGSS so Im not sure if that is the casue or not. I never saw this happen in 2.5.
  15. He made a new video because some people were confused by the first one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hqgLHKl4CZk UT2 looks great in V3
  16. Thanks for the heads up, I was gonna install the shockwave lights to my UT2 traffic this weekend.
  17. Anyone have A2As B17 working, maybe with estonia tool?
  18. You guys have power pack running also with v3?
  19. Sort of off topic but will someone tell me if MT6 has Allegiant and Spirit Airlines?
  20. Richard are you gonna try to get UT2 working with V3?
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