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  1. Yes with FSLTL, but there's a caution when changing separation parameters and maybe others, you'll need to read through the documentation on both. not sure about FSHUD.
  2. mine didn't show up initially on screen it was in the background but when i checked the task manager it showed as running. hopefully you get it working. I did notice an initial quick flash on my screen upon starting it, sort of like the command prompt starting in the background.
  3. are they run as admin? did u try with new config utility?
  4. Another thing you might want to check is your default location in the weather app if you have that installed. Other than those apps and the default OS location settings I cant think of anything else to offer off hand. Default location settings/ Bing Maps/ and the Weather app were the ones i had to go through and setting my Oakla Speed Test app to default location. I do notice that you are showing the bing maps icon turned on in your above screenshot, I would check that, its the fourth app down from the top in the screenshot. Identified as maps.
  5. I believe it is part of the OS, it should be in the apps section under settings, then installed apps, if not then you must not have it installed. Sorry for the goose chase.
  6. can u go into the bing maps and set your default location?
  7. do you use bing maps? I think I had to change my default location there to get it back to normal.
  8. not sure if it'll be of any help but i had to correct mine in the Bing maps settings and the weather app settings. I'm in US Northeast and it had me in the Southeast
  9. Did you try an uninstall and reinstall of the WT G1000 in the Content Manager? Or reinstall of the said aircraft?
  10. if you use MSFS addon tool check community folder path there also
  11. try signing in and out of xbox and ms store. check path to community folder lacation at the bottom of user config.opt in local cache folder
  12. Thought it was interesting that he mentioned angels.
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