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Everything posted by ph-cxz

  1. Currently there are a few addons supporting pbr. As far as aircraft only the f16 that comes standard has it to my knowledge.
  2. When p3d v4 came out there was no payment to upgrade as this was already covered by the initial price of the p3d versions that are being listed. And secondly when p3d v5 comes out you will get notified on the forums on what their plans are.
  3. Download the latest version from your account on the pmdg website. But since you already did that I can only say try again.
  4. Gnss is just a global name. GPS is American, glonass is Russian, Bei Dou is Chinese and Galileo is Europe. All these systems uses satellite to operate. Another point is that you although I don’t know if it is actually true so don’t hold me on that but you could change the data and thus change a location of something.
  5. FAA fuel requirements are different from EASA fuel requirements. In Europe you go down to 3% cont. and ICAO fuel is also different.
  6. Just to make sure that those are all connected properly.
  7. I would say to have a look at your audio settings. Both in the sim and pmdg aircraft as well as out side the sim.
  8. Not all of those models have all the engine options. The 400er and erf have only two engines. Don’t know about the others.
  9. To add to what Simon said: I have done some performance calculations during my study and your never at the specific weights there mentioning so your always trying to interpolate between figures. And that is the hardest part.
  10. May I add that this behavior in my opinion got introduced with the micro update feature. I would rather have that the old panelstates got deleted by the updater and or overwritten with the ones in the update. I don’t know how hard that is to program in.
  11. You will be fine, you only need to deactivate your addons if you are moving to a new pc/ a major swap like cpu and or motherboard.
  12. Support uses a different account from the store. Also full names are required in every post in the pmdg forums.
  13. the pmdg B747 was released in 2016/2017 around that period. so the default data was also from that period.
  14. You can set your own config and load that. But keep in mind that most liveries have their own config so represent the actual aircraft.
  15. There is no menu bar everything is done via the fmc. There you can set cold and dark it is explained in the manuals.
  16. How heavy were you. Because the lighter you are the higher you can go. An empty b77W can go up to FL410.
  17. Yeah for a mid descend to a new level requires you to re enter the cruising level.
  18. Vnav is still engaged because I imagine you did not change the Vnav to speed.
  19. If you need to descend early then you hit des now.
  20. for cargo in Europe you see them at quite a lot of airports such as Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Luxembourg and many more.
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