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Everything posted by kowen

  1. I'll toss another +1 for the MilViz 310.
  2. I did the same thing and I run in cycles, like a lot of us. I’ve been engaged heavily now for the last 3 years with the goal to eventually moving over to the heavies and I have not touched one yet. I think there is a lot of overlooked aspects in GA that is equally rewarding as flying to heavies. Some recommendations: - Find yourself a good A2A aircraft or two and get comfortable with them. - Practice and master the basics, straight and level flight, climbs, descent, landings, ETC. - Do true VRF flights, dead reckoning and pilotage. You will be amazed by how fun it can be when you leave the GPS out of the aircraft. - Move on to ATC, VATSIM or Pilot Edge. You don’t need to go full IFR yet, keep it simple. - Find a reason to fly. FSEconomy, Air Hauler, others are external programs that give you a reason to fly. - Put some music on and enjoy it! I think sometimes we try and shoot straight for the SID/STARS and commercial aspects of flight simming and forgot that lollygagging through the Rocky Mountains in the A2A Comanche without autopilot, listening to your favourite tunes can be equally if not a more rewarding experience. Give simple a try.
  3. A lot of those guys are trying to be the Howard Stern of YouTubian Land. They are targeting views and subscribers so they peddle controversial entertainment.
  4. I have one and love it. It is my first set so nothing really to compare it to. I have a 1080 minus the TI and it works well. I do use Saitek panels and controls and with a bit of feeling around, I can use them. I prefer that over the VR controls generally. I have Leap Motion but don't use it. I fly GA so it really is to too useful, but maybe with the heavies. I don't recall Leap Motion killing my framerate. I think you are trying to use dummy controls with Leap Motion, I am not sure that would work well. Camera views and angles would change the positioning of where you would feel, so I suspect it would get awkward.
  5. Pilot 2 ATC is the one I use more often. I also only fly GA as well.
  6. This... Looking at what they are doing now, I really think they are pushing weather for P3D. Rex's UI is phenomenal and I really believe they are pushing the envelope with the newer P3D APIs and their next product will complete it. They are innovating and not trying to be safe, I admire that. I suspect before the year's ends we will have HiFi vs Rex camps just like the other cliques around here.
  7. There are some folks here that are having that issue you are not alone: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/552824-p3d-v45-add-on-compatibility-list/?tab=comments#comment-3993163
  8. They put their manual online on the website. Look at the bottom: https://milviz.com/flight/products/310_redux/index.php Direct link: https://milviz.com/Online_products/Manuals/KAP_140_Autopilot.pdf
  9. Agreed, 200 bucks excluding P3D will get you Orbx, Active Sky and one of the two camera tools which are requirements IMHO. You might have some left over for a payware aircraft if you budget well. You will get more bang for your buck with x plane. You can try it for free too.
  10. Hit the show activation key and make sure there is no spaces or weird characters if you are copying and pasting it.
  11. That means to follow your horizontal flight plan as you filed it. Pilot2ATC will tell you that if you go off course or flying a SID and it is done vectoring you. Your autopilot should be doing that already.
  12. You can hit the config button, Speech Tab and under the Copilot Options screen, check "respond to radio" and "Changes Frequecnies". Your "co-pilot" will handle the comms.
  13. Frank...not sure if you want to see that. It's Orlando, not Vegas.
  14. I use P3V4.4 native. I used to use FlyInside. But no. You will need steam VR I believe as well.
  15. Not Orlando, but in Tampa, about 40 minutes down the road from Mouseland.
  16. I have the same one and agree... great headset. There is a little bit of light leakage on my, but just ordered the foam replacement for it and it should be in this week. I've been on the fence on Skyrim, I played it many years ago when it came out but never finished it. I always found something else to focus on in the same other than the main quest. Seems like it might be worth it checking out. Honestly, I still love flying in VR...its been hard to get away from it.
  17. It has been released for 4.4. I used it all the time. About the only thing, FlyInside gives me over native is it deals with bad frame rate situations well. Native will go in and out and black out my headset, but FlyInside will keep going and display slow frame the rates instead of cancelling my view. As soon as I can keep it stable in native...Flyinisde will go away for me. I really like EZDOK effects and was hoping it would port to VR well. Thanks for the information
  18. Their website site says Windows XP SP3, WIN 7, WIN 8.1, WIN 10. They don't specifically say the bit level, but I think 64 will be ok.
  19. Bluetooth is not IP compatible and you should have much better connection speeds via Wi-Fi anyway. How old is your router? If all you want to do is transfer file via Bluetooth, I would like for a program / app that would do that.
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