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Everything posted by leprechaunlive

  1. Dude im even worse than that. Im French, but i lived a long time in Ireland πŸ˜„
  2. LOL. If it went that far, im pretty sure piracy is not the only thing to blame here...
  3. hehe dont worry, it doesnt take away the beauty of them πŸ˜„
  4. BTW @Steve Dra, are you ill or feeling unwell? Leaving this devmode toolbar up there is SOOOO NOT you πŸ˜„
  5. That would NOT surprise me πŸ™‚ You can tell looking at the files that they didnt really follow the native SDK, they reused as much "old" stuff as possible.
  6. Actually the sim mechanics are very very similar than the previous ones. The 3d model will be all new (even if they could take their old one as a base) but the rest will try to reuse as much of the old cfgs and codes. Thats what i would do anyway
  7. So the changelog was from the previous update? Because it says "invisible spoiler removed on the cessna 208B". so i guess it was fixed with patch 7.....but actually NO. The cfg entry is still there.
  8. The beast is tamed! After 3 days of the floats sending me into the stratosphere, i finally found a good set of contact points. First major advancements! Next, probably refine the 3D, and get to texturing.
  9. Yes, ive had a few of the early Thalixte stuff, it was for my little PC, just way way too much to handle. Then he introduced a very agressive optimization process that cut the textures count by A LOT, but it was still a little too big for my CPU and RAM. But you'r right, he's one of the best out there.
  10. exactly. I use plenty of airport freeware scenery, but the cities pulled of google, eyhmm, no thanks, it looks usually bad, and it murders my fps.
  11. @kaosfere @cavaricooper How's the behavior of the float version? (on water i mean)
  12. Thats right. People are begging for a fix, but they are NOT ready for the things this new patch will break πŸ˜„
  13. Its on the LiveryMegaPack discord channel somewhere, but i cant find the link right now. Try google πŸ™‚
  14. Maybe dont focus so much on cities. Explore parts of the world with amazing landscape features, or even any random place actually, wich is why i dont think you should give up on your world tour, you'd be surprised at how amazing some unseemingly "boring" places look like. I remember some radom rolling hills in the Polands countryside. Or some crazy canyons righ in the middle of Spain. To put it simple, largen your scale, you'r gonna be less focused on the tiny wrong details of each buildings etc.
  15. So this is what most mean by "broken" SDK. Asobo set the referential to tell wich axis is wich...ok fine. Then give us an example, a numerical one, ok cool. Then proceed to decypher the exemple, BUT, in an order thats the oposite of what they told us to do, PLUS, they get one value of exemple wrong. (0 instead of -14.5). And you can see these kind of things throughout the documentations. Makes for a wild ride πŸ˜„ They probably did a lot of copy/paste as i found pretty much the same thing in the FS2004 SDK...
  16. So the people that have amostly bug free experience and that refuse to whine with you over the bugs you experience, are gonna get the blame now? Whats going on here... πŸ˜€
  17. Dude, im french, i literally have no idea what you'r talking about πŸ˜„ (thats not true actually, the name rings a bell).
  18. I think we got your point (since you make it in just about every threads :D) But i feel you, i too have a broken Mooney and weird sim issues.
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