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Everything posted by mtr75

  1. I've got an idea, let's restart an argument from 2 weeks ago! 🙄
  2. Dude I gotta tell you, I've flown to a lot of the default airports in the Caribbean so far, and not only are the airports pretty word not allowed nice, the islands themselves are gorgeous. The Caribbean is pretty nice as-is. And Ps, I go to Anguilla every year. Overall the island looks pretty good, you can see the dolphin cage by the FBI, you can see a lot of buildings that you will recognize (Four Seasons, Carimar, Cuisinart). But the airport has way too much of an elevation change around it. It's weird.
  3. I was going to recommend hitting the TOGA button!
  4. You can see it in the world map if you zoom in to your departure and destination. It's wrong, but you can see it!
  5. It is. Wind of 270 is from 270 (the west) and the arrow should point east. If that makes sense.
  6. Last night, wind 110 at 20 knots, I got assigned runway 28 (exactly, perfectly the wrong runway), and this even though I had put in the approach in the world map flight planner prior to launching the flight. I just landed runway 10 anyway, but it seems I get assigned the wrong runway at least two times out of 3.
  7. It's pretty realistic, I would say it's something to be happy about.
  8. I think at times some of us could do better, and that most certainly includes me. Sometimes I could do a lot better. But I will also say that I've reached out to a few members individually about different things, and not knowing me from Adam, each person has been very helpful. I even had one person send me their phone number and asked me to call them so they could explain something. That's pretty amazing. So I would say this is a fantastic place, and it's up to each of us to make it that much better.
  9. Love to see this. Haven't tried it yet, but as someone who isn't personally interested in the turbo Bonanza (just turbo aircraft in general), I say hanks for the effort here!
  10. That is really fantastic! For all we know 1,000 people reported it through zendesk and that’s why it got addressed. Either way it’s really encouraging.
  11. Yeah, I just feel like it’s the easy way out. I’ve reported stuff through zendesk and it’s a bit tedious. But that’s what they’ve asked us to do, and I imagine there’s a reason why.
  12. What’s the point of motion blur? To know what it would be like flying on downers?
  13. I’m glad you reported the issue. The rest of your reply is just nonsense. What is the point of being argumentative?
  14. I don't use GFE for any settings at all, just to download and install the drivers. I never do a clean install and I've never had a problem. Used to be that drivers were really hit and miss. With P3D you could just never tell whether they would be any good or not. I went a good two years on the same driver. Lately though I've been doing each update and they've been fine. The cool thing about the screenshots utility is it's just Alt+F1 and you get a screenshot saved to your gallery. So it's quick and easy. I use it pretty often. I need to check out the "last five minutes" video bit, I didn't know about that. Pro tip: create a system restore point before you update your drivers. Can't tell you how many times being able to roll back with one click has saved me a lot of aggravation.
  15. Would you mind either posting a link to that guide or PMing it to me? Thanks!
  16. Fastest trip to the block list in history. Goodbye.
  17. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us Asobo is not going to read your thread. Please report the bug so that it can actually be addressed. Yes, posting a thread is easier and probably more satisfying, but it does not help. Thanks
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