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Everything posted by hanhamreds

  1. They did indeed, which is why I posted the link for this yesterday on the main DLSS 3 thread, you will need 100+ fps to start with basically, otherwise you will notice these artifacts the latency issue was also covered
  2. I agree here I’m seeing flight numbers that I never saw at EGGD using the flightaware data - it’s definitely filtered in some way. perhaps it’s not noticeable to some, but to me it is, this is my local airport and therefore spend most of my time in and around this area in the sim.
  3. Does this inject GA then? and if so what models does it use, have users seen first hand?
  4. Early indications showed promise with DX12 for me, either way I’m sticking with TAA as I’m CPU bound - DLSS is of no use to me right now. running Ultra @1440p
  5. Early indications are promising for me, before I was getting stutters (especially panning) on DX11&12, now these appear to have gone. I’m not using DLSS as clearly (with my specs and res 1440p) there’s no gains to be made,TAA all the way thanks👍
  6. I’ve got the VFR map back, but it hits my fps hard - is this a known issue?
  7. That’s a bit worrying for me then, mine just returns a blank window.
  8. my VFR map hasn't worked for a few versions now - I hope this is resolved when the official update is released.
  9. you stole my thunder. with the new float plane's coming in the 40th anniversary addition - what better time to re-vamp the water physics to do those planes justice.
  10. I’m not getting any CTDs, but did notice some stutters when I first tried it last week. as it happens I’ve just flown into there and had no stutters or CTD- I’m using SU10 beta, but I wouldn’t think that would have any bearing on things.
  11. I'm of the same opinion re Blackshark, I remember AI changes with new buildings being mentioned for the UK world update - and maybe one or two afterwards - but certainly nothing has been mentioned recently. It would be nice to know that they are still involved, as bespoke building changes are critical to the WU's imo.
  12. I've not noticed any performance drop, maybe that's because I'm using SU10 beta and have the Asobo fix as mentioned in the link
  13. P Gatcomb and avangel are the one I probably watch the most. I'm also a fan of ObsidianAnt, Gripper and into the blue simulations.
  14. I’m all for supporting third party devs - as MS keep stating, but what about those customers who don’t want to spend a shed full of cash on half baked products in the hope of improving poorly implemented base features. I’m not saying Asobo should be animating people walking onto an aircraft, but I was hoping that the default ground AI would be improved - the depressing reality is now with the release of products like this it’s unlikely to happen.
  15. Apparently anyone who bought this and has CTD issues was “naive” - eek.
  16. Very quick test earlier using DX11, very smooth with expected FPS for me. I'll test more tomorrow and report back. DX12 had big frame time issues for me
  17. Before this product was released I checked out a few reviews of early release/beta copies - as it became apparent that this was a must have, day 1 purchase apparently! I really don’t understand why this is so hyped up, honestly it looks very dated, dodgy scripted animations with no collisions detection- which could be as much a sim thing, but still really - I thought for one minute I was watching a trailer for wreck-it Ralph. now after just reading the last four pages of this thread and reading all the CTD anecdotes is enough for me to stay clear for now. No thanks, I’ll pretend all my passengers have boarded ok, rather than watching them headbutt my plane and risk litigation.
  18. No - the OP has simply started a new thread and used the question in the review as the thread title - pretty obvious to anyone who actually watched the whole review. if people want to be defensive that’s there right, I for one am thankful for his honest opinion, which lets be honest here is backed up by the footage, I wish more influencers were like that. Well done OP - you’ve saved me some money - for now 😊
  19. You only have to compare with a discovery flight to see the difference- it’s not a big secret
  20. You might not be RX any texture related data, but what about data in relation to online traffic and MP though
  21. imo its Server related - frames drop because your PC is waiting to receive the data it needs.
  22. I was having a quick flight yesterday evening, so about 13hrs ago and the performance was terrible for me, I was struggling to get 30 fps at times at Pilot Plus EGGD - frames came back a little after take off. I'm 100% certain a lot of the performance issues since launch have been Server related.
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