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Everything posted by Virtual-Chris

  1. I’d like to try this… Assuming I don’t need to use supersampling… Where do you make the Nvidia DLAA setting? In the sim? Isn’t DLAA tied to DLSS? I’m confused.
  2. Anyone using this with a 2nd touch enabled display? I’m having a real struggle with it trying to use the Cessna Longitude console touch screen on either a small touch enabled monitor I have connected directly to my 4090 or my iPad (via Spacedesk). Both quickly become unresponsive and locks up the whole sim. This app seems to get such high praise I must be doing something wrong. 😞
  3. I’m curious about this mode. I spent real money on the Kodiak 100 and I want to use it with this app. If anyone has any insights, please share. Does anyone know if the Kodiak’s different interior configs are supported?… like cargo only, passengers only, or a mix? The beta version locked you to a livery which meant you could not swap Kodiak configs based on the job.
  4. What are my options or the best way to run the G5000 Touch Screen from the console of the Latitude on my iPad?
  5. It’s not surprising that some substantial improvements result in a new product release and a new opportunity to remonitize the franchise. What does surprise me is that it has been announced so early. It’s at least 6 months away, possibly a year, or even more. It seems odd to come out with this now. Anytime you announce a new version of a product, you risk losing sales of the current version, which is why so many organizations keep major new product announcements secret as long as possible. But maybe MS Flight Simulator sales have already tailed off significantly so there’s really nothing to lose? The other odd thing is the focus of the trailer… it seems primarily focused on missions that make it look more like gamification of the sim. Maybe it’s just the more visually interesting bits which is why the trailer is focused on them. Anyway, until I hear there’s some significant enhancements to ATC and IFR flight, it’s only of mild passing interest to me.
  6. I think AI or Artificial Intelligence is a misnomer... it's really more accurate to call it applied statistics which is defined as: Through statistical methods, analysis, and an emphasis on real-world data, applied statistics seeks concrete solutions to tangible problems. I think it makes the most sense for this to be applied to flight plans, sim controlled traffic, ATC instructions, and perhaps weather modelling to some extent where absolute weather data is not available and interpolation or extrapolation is required, I guess it could also be applied to terrain modelling in the absence of accurate data.
  7. Yeah, I find that with FG, I'm getting around 80FPS and it's only really noticeable in certain night scenes. I guess it depends on how much night flying you do and even how sensitive your eyes may be to it. At least in my case, with FC, it's not bothering me anymore to have G-sync enabled.
  8. This is a good article on OLED flicker... https://www.gamerevolution.com/guides/910679-lg-oled-cx-c1-c2-g-sync-vrr-flickering-gamma-fix#:~:text=The cause of flickering on,native frequency down to match. It will be most noticeable when frame rates are much less than refresh rate on dark scenes, and disappear as FPS gets close to your OLED native refresh rate. In my case, my C1 OLED has a refresh of 120Hz. Before frame generation was possible, G-Sync was unusable on my OLED because my frame rates around 40FPS were way lower than my display refresh rate of 120Hz. Now that I have a 4090 and frame generation, I'm consistently at 80FPS or better, which makes the flickering a non issue or very hard to detect except in very specific night scenes.
  9. Since the flicker only appears at lower frame rates, the best solution is to use frame generation to double your frame rates so they are consistently above 60FPS... thus allowing you to use g-sync with with OLED.
  10. I appreciate it. Wouldn't have thought to look if you hadn't posted. Amazing scenery in the world update... Wow.
  11. I switched for better HDR support in Windows 11. Other than a few subtle UI changes to the task bar and settings, it's largely the same for me, but then I only use Windows for gaming so I'm never really "using" Windows. 😄 To fan the flames of this thread even further (if that's possible) I prefer a Mac for productivity. 😛
  12. So it’s got the same issue as the default ATC? Sheesh 🙄
  13. If you have tearing with g-sync then it’s not working properly. That’s the whole point of g-sync is to eliminate tearing - it’s hardware v-sync.
  14. My post (just before yours) is relevant to 3000 and 4000 cards. FG doesn’t change how you should setup syncing.
  15. Sounds promising. When will this new version likely be shipping?
  16. This is the way to go… If you don’t have a display syncing frames with G-Sync or Free-sync you need to use NV CP V-sync set to fast. It’s nearly as good as a hardware solution like G-sync at eliminating tearing with minimal added latency. If you have a G-sync or similar display, v-sync is only relevant when FPS > max refresh rate. So turn v-sync off in NV CP and set your max FPS to 3-4 less than your display max refresh rate. That way FPS never exceeds max refresh and v-sync is not needed. G-sync will ensure a tear free image. Never use in-game v-sync as it is a latency filled nightmare.
  17. The Canada world update ruined PG in Canadian cities like Vancouver… I guess Toronto got the same treatment. I heard there was a way to revert it back to pre world update Canada PG but I don’t know how.
  18. When I first got it last summer, it gave me more performance with SMT off, but that was before SU10 and DX12. Now it doesn’t make a difference and in other games, hurts performance to turn it off, so I leave it on.
  19. The cities with photogrammetry rendered high rises are extremely poorly done at night. You can barely see them. Very disappointing. Normally rendered areas are fine. Although there was a time when lights in the distance became blurry blobs. Not sure if that’s still an issue as I haven’t flown at night for awhile.
  20. Is that explained anywhere? I read through the documentation and could not figure it out. What a waste of an afternoon. At any rate, it’s easier to just use the sim. 😞
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