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Everything posted by michdb8

  1. this dev is like fast food of scenery fast develped scenery with terrible optimization decent looking 23$ in long term if fight beam and fly tampa are smart devs and know people buy things like this why waste time in optimize the models just do a fast scenery and fast money . and there a middle way to do things in fast and optimize way like ini build or mk studios etc
  2. all BMW Amsim have terrible performance/ Ini build sceneries improved a lot the performance with the update and have much more details than BMW Amsim
  3. yes the voices are far from basic Beyond atc and SayIntentions ai. and even FShud have better voices and already have a nice ifr system, i know voices are no the main priority but those voices in the video are like old p3d atc addons like pilot2atc or pro atc
  4. if you use fshud with fsltl there is no range slider cause the injection is made by fshud and there is not any setting on the menu, you can only set the renga range if you use fstl alone without atc
  5. until the devs deal with the airac problem where you have to subscribe every month to navigrapth for use a recent airac otherwise you have to use an airac from 2021 while in simbrief is in the 2023 version is ridiculous plus traffic performance is far from aig or fslt injectors especially cause they keep injectic traffic in too far range even ground traffic when you are 250 miles aways from airport. has potential but miss a lot of basic staff
  6. well because that editor is old and can be much better like read the scenery taxiways and later you just edit just the names if they wrong etc and community is bigger in msfs, pilot2atc is not very popular software now if you compare with the new ones. if the developers are smart they can even share the file form and share between the different atc softwares. obligate to pay a subscription to navigraph chart to offline users definitely is not the solution. and i like the beyond atc approach to avoid the customer to pay even more
  7. the best approach in long term for this is something what pilot2atc does well is user custom taxiway runways mapping option so you can share those custom files created by community to import those in your atc database, you can see some of this share files in flightsim.to is a freeware solution and users don't have to spend more money on subceptions
  8. but this is only for default airport ? paywares sceneries already have the taxiways already set.
  9. very suspicious that you first account message is this lol you must be op new account
  10. at least in beyond atc you don't have to have a Simbrieft susbcription every month to not use the airac from 2 years ago , you just subscribe one month and you can use that airac for whole year which is good if you dont fly in online servers
  11. i prefer some parallax interiors like ini build implement in the recent update of new york and Honolulu airports than have fps frop 10 cause interior render, if they give a options like ini build does in some airports is good for preference of the user
  12. new member and 1 post, big red flag!
  13. didn't this aircraft going to get the modern avionics version? all they improvements are mostly visually
  14. fs hud is almost a scam they have ego devs who don't take any feedback to improve the atc, definitely one of the worst addons i ever bought
  15. wow that price is low as f now in curious how they going to maintain the services with that low prices specially how expensive the use of ai cost i guess they got a very good deal with ai provider
  16. if i use frame generator in the target fps should i put the target frames after frame generator or the default sim?
  17. i remember on the msfs alpha before release they did a test with azure voices with different accent they were like over 100 voices but after the release they reduce the voices to like 5 -4 so ai azure voices are expensive cause require a lot of electricity so if msfs not became monthly subscription game ai azure voices are financially inviable in medium term
  18. msfs in 3 years didn't care about ai traffic behavior the only thing they focus was in injection by models in last update but ai traffic still the same dumb as FSX and in all devs Q&A they always talk about improve model matching never about behaviors so I'm really dub in msfs we going to get any improve in this area so expect the same dumb go around all the time with default traffic
  19. compare this atc with PF3 is like compare the msfs with p3d one Sofware uses latest technology and the other is just atc from 10 years ago how this new atc control the ai is far away what we seen in any atc before
  20. i don't get why they dont add airlines gate, i did few sceneries gates fix in some sceneries and takes just few minutes to assign them .
  21. as someone who was in the close alpha during all 2020 the best atc was before release i remember the was like over 15 different voices and now is the same voice, they fix few things with updates but still useless.
  22. external injection aircraft can't use the msfs pushback tug, jetway connection and catering sdk limitation only if you use the sim injection but in that case you cant use a external atc but i prefer no tug or other services and have a good atc and ai traffic
  23. is working progress but that looks like asobo airport problem cause in google maps in that airport there much more distance from taxiway to the parking lot
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