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Bob Scott

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Everything posted by Bob Scott

  1. PMDG has just posted update 3.0.70 for the 737 series, available via PMDG Ops Center v2. No changelog available so far.
  2. Is there an ActiveSkyP6 folder in the default folder location? -- C:\users\<your_account_name>\Documents\Prepar3D v6 Add-Ons
  3. You have it installed in a onedrive (cloud) folder? That sure seems odd to me. I'd recommend contacting HiFiSim to see if running it off a networked or cloud-based drive presents any special issues e.g. firewall, permissions etc.
  4. Make sure you are running beta version 8598 of ASP6 (or later), and that you installed the connector that came with that version.
  5. Your best bet is to contact Flight1 to resolve issues with the wrapper.
  6. It might be better to wait until the acft is on the ground and the ground speed decreases to somewhere in the taxi range (e.g. <60 knots) to start generating a bunch of new objects. OK, but when is the sim loading your alternative bgl files? If GSX replaces the original bgl files, and then those replacement bgl files are loaded by MSFS when it first detects the acft on ground, that would mean all that extra ground clutter stuff is being loaded right at touchdown, wouldn't it?
  7. Microsoft says they are investigating problems with the newer drivers, and recommends reverting if you are having issues. The driver update nags were placed before these problems came to light. See this thread:
  8. If you have one sound device assigned in the sim, and another in GSX or other addons that produce sound, it might be part of the problem. I keep everything explicitly assigned to one specific device rather than allowing "use the default device" or similar, because I have had conflicts in the past caused by add-ons using a different sound device than what the sim was using. It's possible GSX (or FSDT's couatl utility) does something in the background like initialize its sound interface right when it detects the sim on the ground, or perhaps it's some combination of GSX and something else together causing the issue.
  9. One thing that has caused problems with other sims is the loading of touchdown sounds, causing that characteristic stutter at touchdown. It can also be exacerbated by having multiple sound devices active and potentially conflicting with one another. Could be something like that...I'd check and see if GSX is using a sound device different than the sim, and if you have multiple sound devices active (most modern GPUs have an embedded sound device, for example).
  10. Sounds like you have a WiFi utility that is capturing the keystroke before FSX sees it. You might try changing the hotkey assignment in that utility. FSUIPC is another option.
  11. Try deactivating GSX by deselecting it in the pull-down menu at top center of the screen (when deselected it should not be highlighted in white). I remember reading that GSX does use resources when active...I vaguely recall that Umberto recommended deselecting it after pushback is complete and then reactivating it after landing if you're having issues.
  12. This is not PMDG's support site--they won't answer you here. It's a really bad idea to post your order info and product key on a public forum. I've removed them for you.
  13. I use HWInfo64 linked to another copy running on a separate (laptop) computer to monitor CPU/GPU loads, voltages, temps, power etc. Works quite well and keeps it off of the simulator display.
  14. I sure hope this update on the PMDG 737 fixes the autopilot...right now it flies like it has Parkinson's, twiching and jerking all over the place. It's been that way for over two months since the last update.
  15. I've been having fits trying to get DX12+frame generation to run stable...never thought to change video drivers. I reverted to 531.29 and my previous settings and so far two flights without CTD, where I was getting a CTD on every flight before with those same settings. Might be a little early to declare victory, but it sure seems to have solved the problem.
  16. M$/Asobo are acknowledging there's a problem with the driver, but you suggest it's an AVSIM thing. How insightful.
  17. I run MSFS on a 10900K with a 4090, and before that a 3090--I wouldn't consider a 3080Ti a mismatch or overkill for that CPU. The only reservation I'd have is missing out on frame generation in the 4000-series GPUs.
  18. It's a v5 buff-up of an existing v4 scenery, not really a new one. If you already have a previous version, it's only 5 Eurogazinks.
  19. No--you won't be able to activate the license on a second machine with it installed on any other. The exception is the month-to-month developer's license, which explicitly permits two installations.
  20. No, cloud depiction has been a mostly GPU-intensive process in P3D for as long as I can remember...I would not expect the cloud depiction changes in v6 to account for any significant difference in your CPU utilization.
  21. The answer is yes, the FAA permits pilots to wear contact lenses. From https://www.aviationmedicine.com/article/vision-and-faa-standards/ :
  22. Subtract 32 then divide by two then add 10%, just like in all the other sims! 😉
  23. I use HWInfo64 (freeware). You can also run it in host-server config to monitor your sim machine on a separate computer (e.g. a laptop), which is how I do it.
  24. Are you sure your CPU is the problem? I run MSFS on a 10900K @ 5 GHz and a 4090FE. I just did a flight out of JFK (iniBuilds, a known heavy fps hitter) in the A310 with lots of AI traffic (FSTraffic) and with FG on, I didn't see frames drop below 55 fps. VRAM usage was a surprising 23GB, though. I wonder if VRAM paging on your 4080 could be part of the issue (?).
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