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Everything posted by FlyAndFight

  1. Forgot about "The Right Stuff". Fun movie.
  2. Happened just North of my office.Damage looks to be considerable.
  3. Raymar, you bring up an very good point. I hadn't thought of including "Space Flight" type of movies. With that in mind, I have to add the HBO mini-series "From The Earth To The Moon". Might as well also include "Apollo 13".
  4. My two favorites at the moment are the Bay Tower RV-7 and the Aerosoft DA20-100 Katana 4X, flying them all around PNW.
  5. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned already but "12 O'Clock High" should be in everyone's top 3 list.
  6. I have their F-16D and their A-10 and can recommend both of them very highly. I'll have to double-check but I think I also have the F-14 as well but if so, I haven't flown it in a long, long time.
  7. I fly from the VC but still utilize a very select few pop-up windows, from time to time, depending on the aircraft.
  8. Hello Stan, Regarding EZDok, here's how I adjust the cockpit seating view. It's actually much easier to do than to explain in writing: 1. Start up FSX and load a flight with your aircraft of choice. (The helicopter that is giving you trouble, in this case.)2. Once the flight finishes loading up and you are sitting "far away", if you are in full screen mode, change the view to windowed mode.3. Click on the EZDok icon on the task bar to open up the interface. (I'm using WinXP but should work similarly with Vista or Win7.)4. Click on the first slot, which is usually the default pilot seating, and give it a name such as "Pilot Eyes", for example, if it doesn't have one. Also assign a key stroke or combination to bring up that view (usually Shift-1).5. Now we're ready to adjust the view. Hit the number "2" button on your keyboard's number pad. You'll hear a continuous "ding" of a bell sound.6. Using the arrow keys, move the view so that it's inside the cockpit and where you want to be "sitting". You can use the "page up" and "page down" keys to adjust the height.7. When you are satisfied with the view, simply hit the number "2" key again to save the position. That should do the trick.8. You can utilize the other slots for different views as well. Simply save with a different key stroke or combination. Hope this helps!
  9. Getting some weird colors on bits and pieces. For example, tires on the Cessna 208 have patches of colors that are off. Flew out of Bowerman and taxiway had the same weird color patches, here and there. I'm reloading the 280 driver and will retest.
  10. Thanks for the info. I've used that website for some fantastic video music as well.
  11. Very nice video. What is the name of the song that was playing. Very peaceful.
  12. Before I got REX2, I used the HDEv2 and they looked fantastic. I use it on my FS9 setup as well.
  13. Cool! I definitely need to check out these Florida sceneries. Thanks for the heads-up!
  14. Definitely Key West. Looks nice at night, too. Is there vehicle traffic on the roadways?
  15. The A-10 is indeed amazing. I still haven't dedicated time to learning the systems in depth but It appears to be a pretty deep, sim wise. (It also includes a cheater's "quick-start" button) in the cockpit to start up the airplane and systems in one step...) ;)
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