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About Wildblue

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  1. "Pulling my hair out...please help!" No sorry, we will not help you pulling your hair out.😉 (Couldn't resist, sorry).
  2. Agreed, let's be careful what we wish for...going any further might give developers the idea to tax our flights for virtual emissions.
  3. Thanks a lot for this Martin! Truly beautiful. I hope they will be able to keep shying away from "modern life" and preserve their own natural lifestyle forever. I think we can learn a lot from them, like conforming to nature instead of trying to impose our will on nature, as we 'modern people' always have done and still do...with all the bad consequences that entails for the planet and life itself.
  4. Nice pics. Formation flying, interesting. Is this live formation flying? What program do you use for this?
  5. Hm, almost everything is a potential leg-breaker in football. And as the Dutch argued, and i think rightly so, if this was an offense than a defender is not even allowed to raise his leg to defend anymore. Even some English ex-football players have said this was not worth a penalty.
  6. Can't stay silent as a Dutch man here. Of course the Netherlands will win, easily, we know it and you know it.
  7. Here's hoping they make a whole new camera-system in MSFS2024. I still think operating all the different camera modes in MSFS2020 is far to cumbersome. For example: I've always loved to see my own landings from a distance, in FSX we just had Tower view to achieve this, very simple and clean.... but nowadays i'm not even sure how to do this in MSFS2020.
  8. Indeed, and a big annoyance to me personally. Here's hoping, almost praying, they significantly improve this in MSFS2024.
  9. Wow! I truly enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.
  10. "...quality from the outset and regular updates. A hotfix already is impressive." Well, come to think of it, 'quality from the outset ' and 'a hotfix already' seem a bit contradictory.
  11. "Basically, when you are getting high, the runway will look taller." Lol, i haven't smoked pot for more then 30 years, but this i'd like to see! 😀
  12. I don't think there will be any discount. As another poster posted; Why would there be? And frankly a discount is the last thing on my mind for what MSFS2024 appears to offer us. If MSFS2024 delivers the goods the developers promise, i might even pay up to $ 500 for my own private professional flight simulator. That's probably still less than one hour in a real simulator.
  13. Hi Stefan A. Piel So sorry to hear you had to wait that long! Maybe you can wait 6 months and then try it again? Hope my idea works out for you.
  14. Personally i think Bill Gates was a silent behind-the-scenes instigator for msfs2020. It's been said before, Gates loved flightsimulator and stimulated it.
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