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David Roch

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Everything posted by David Roch

  1. It was reported during the beta phase. i hope they will fix it ASAP.
  2. Hello Bert, Try to click on the upper part of the widgets, not their center. Very weird but it helps!
  3. Shift+Z Stats gives wrong FPS values when VSync is enabled. (Actually, divides the fps by two)
  4. From my beta testing experience, I suggest removing Global AI Ship Traffic MSFS V1 until the pack is updated. (Causes long pauses/stutters)
  5. Yes, yes, I know. I wish I was a girl, so I could fall in love with myself! 😄
  6. FPS perfs will depend on your rig. Those with an "old" PC will probably enjoy the increase more than the others. But the overall smoothness will be for all.
  7. Very true. "High fidelity" airliner doesn't mean harder to operate at all, unless you activate failures and wish to better understand how systems interact together. I am truly impressed by this new project, and to be honest, very admiring.
  8. All I can say without breaking the NDA is that Asobo did an awesome job with this update. Don't listen to the grumpy's ... and get ready for happy days! 😉
  9. I wouldn't bet my mother-in-law's fortune on this ... Luckily for me, she squandered it. 😄
  10. Working smoothly here with the latest dev release. As always, a very nice improvement from the talented FBW team. Thank you!
  11. When intelligence meets passion and when skills are strong, you get a masterpiece. Good luck to the developers of this titanic project, they have all my admiration and my support.
  12. Thanks for sharing, but il you go to Aerosoft website you’ll find an exe file that does the job for you. 😉 Here you are: https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/6001-msfs-honeycomb-software/
  13. I just purchased NZNS, firstly because I was very impressed with the video, but also because I wanted to discover NZ for long. And I must say that this scenery is outstanding!! Kudos to the devs, they really set the bar higher than ever. So much work and love are involved in this product. BTW, NZ is gorgeous. 😍
  14. Unfortunately, they are solely stored on their cloud. 😉
  15. A Mod removed his posts, very probably. And they did it right, no one likes to read threats.
  16. A pilot is sometimes allowed to have some fun (if you don't mind, of course!)
  17. I can't wait to getting his upcoming gems: "Chimneys for MSFS" (Vol 1: North California) for 34$ and "Rainbows for MSFS" (3 colors, 27$. 5 colors, 31$). 😉
  18. Although I do respect others choices, I don't see anything wrong with the default textures which -in my taste- perfectly match the airports' environment.
  19. Ohh my! 😄 Never used it before, thank you for the fast help and congrats to the whole team for your fantastic contribution to our hobby. 🥂
  20. Hi folks, For a week or so I have a problem with the dev version of the FBW A320. Throttle travel now covers the entire throttle movement, including Reverse. When I install the stable version, the throttle stops as it should, at zero, and when I want to use the Rev, I normally use the two Thrust Reversers to unlock it. Any idea?
  21. A well-deserved "bump" for a smart and useful document! 👍
  22. Smooth updates for both Operations Center and DC-6, PMDG is true to its reputation of excellency.
  23. Sorry.... but that sounds absurd. Do you sincerely believe that Microsoft is waiting for your few $ to continue developing its bestseller? Give your money to the devs instead! THEY are needing it much more and THEY are MSFS future.
  24. Hey Rich! Are you sure you didn't launch P3D unintentionally and fly the FSLabs instead? 😄
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